
  1. B

    Premonition or coincidence ?

    In 2010, I had a dream of myself...standing beside a car (not my SUV) and the back passenger door was open. On the opposite side of the car, also at the back passenger side door...the door was open and an unknown man was standing there at the open door and his face was blurry and not the focus...
  2. B


    In 2010, I had a dream of myself...standing beside a car (not my SUV) and the back passenger door was open. On the opposite side of the car, also at the back passenger side door...the door was open and an unknown man was standing there at the open door and his face was blurry and not the focus...
  3. S

    Was it a coincidence? Premonition?

    I was just thinking about my fear of death. I have lost people, and and I feel like the sadness and fear and attachment makes me weak. but I told myself, even the strongest people are scared such as my two friends (a couple) who are very attached and happy would also feel the same if one past...
  4. F

    Is it a coincidence or can humans have premonition?

    It's not like I can predict things. It's like when I think about someone, something will happen to them but I don't know what. And it will often happen the next day or the most, within a week. And it's often bad things. Some examples, a week before MJ died, I had a sudden interest to look at...
  5. A

    Jesus Christ, Jackie Chan, Jean Claude, all J.C.s coincidence? I think not?

    notice they all have great abs too.
  6. S

    How many so called 'biblical fulfilled prophecy's' are just coincidence?

    Like the one where it said that Israel would return as a nation. That had a lot of bible thumpers spooked, and it probably even excited some of them, eager and nihilistic as they are to see the end of days. But surely that was either inevitable or a self fulfilled prophecy. The bible said that...
  7. G

    Is it a coincidence that the state with highest teen drop-out rate happens to be a

    Republican state (Arizona)? Is this what the Republican politicians want so they have more minimum wage burger flippers? ======== Arizona dropout rate worst in U.S. Once again, Arizona's high school dropout rate is the worst in the nation, though this time we share last place with Louisiana...
  8. J

    Coincidence? 2012 predictions?

    Apocalypse stages war/conflict then natural disaster: Conflict 11/09/01 - (9/11 bombings) Then natural disaster 10/03/11 - (Japan tsunami) 11+10=21 9+3=12 01+11=12 put it together = 21/12/2012 look at the dates... 1st - i dont believe it either...
  9. M

    Is this a premonition or just a coincidence?

    Here's my story. A few days ago, I watched the movie Hereafter and I was thrilled by the tsunami scene. I got scared because the special effect was so realistic. I said, what would I do if such thing could happen to me or to someone I know. I watched the tsunami scene 3 times. After 3 days I...
  10. A

    Is it coincidence most religions use fear to motivate members to join?

    How many children become christian/muslim because it is smashed into their heads that they will go to hell if they do not believe in god or follow his word? I know it scared me when I was little, luckily my parents stopped allowing my grandmother to take me to church, she was a catholic fundy...
  11. T

    Is it just coincidence the billionaire class own leftist liberal media outlets you

    keep complaining about? It must be nice to own the side charged with being critical of you ..... and have it known by the masses and complained about by the most loyal of their viewers Simple coincidence it happened and you never put it together in any sort of practical manner ? Opps I own...
  12. D

    Is a Premonition merely a coincidence?

    Several times a month, I am met with a peculiar experience. I will encounter while dreaming someone I then go on to meet the following day (and it is always the following day never later) This baffling phenomena would not occasion a mention, were it not for the fact that those persons I meet in...
  13. D

    Is a Premonition merely a coincidence?

    Several times a month, I am met with a peculiar experience. I will encounter while dreaming someone I then go on to meet the following day (and it is always the following day never later) This baffling phenomena would not occasion a mention, were it not for the fact that those persons I meet in...
  14. D

    Is a Premonition merely a coincidence?

    Several times a month, I am met with a peculiar experience. I will encounter while dreaming someone I then go on to meet the following day (and it is always the following day never later) This baffling phenomena would not occasion a mention, were it not for the fact that those persons I meet in...
  15. C

    Cosmic Coincidence Survey: if the Earth spun in the opposite direction?

    How much different would your life be?
  16. C

    Cosmic Coincidence Survey: if the Earth spun in the opposite direction?

  17. C

    Cosmic Coincidence Survey: if the Earth spun in the opposite direction?

  18. M

    Coincidence or Premonition?

    The other day I was at home and was on my way to go somewhere. My wife and I usually kiss before we leave. We like to joke around a lot. I asked her for a kiss and she said 'no' jokingly. So I said "Fine, I'll just get in a car accident." After leaving, I get at an intersection that was kind of...
  19. J

    My friend thinks this is an example of irony, I think it's a coincidence. Which... it? My friend works at a computer shop. His boss mentioned her favorite brands of hard drives, motherboards and RAM. They were the same brands as the ones he had in his computer. He says this is ironic. I tell him that this is instead an example of coincidence. Irony would be crashing...
  20. F

    is it a coincidence that the media forgot to mention the mayor of Bell...

    ...California was a democrat? if it was a republican I am sure the media would have mentioned that 100 times more