poll/ survey: what would you do if you met eminem?


New member
Apr 15, 2013
i would take a pic with him and get an autograph and then i would rap one of his songs to him then i would tell him how much i love him and that hes my favorite rapper...what would you do?!
and i would ask for his number
"Will you sit for a second, please? Okay thank you...."
"Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?"
just say hi and tell him he makes some good real music. he don't like it when fans ask for pictures and autographs.
Haven't you listened to "The Way I Am?" He doesn't want fans to ask to ask for autographs or pictures and he's made that very clear. I would just say hi and move along.
Uhh not sure..I don't really listen to rap,I do like some of his songs though so if I was in that situation well I would hug him and have him sign something for me and ask for his number,I doubt he will though lol