POLL: Door Bell Ditching?

It's the funnest thing ever! Get's your heart thumping and gives you an incredible adrenaline rush!
I haven't done it for years though!
I had an incident at my house where these kids were doing it over and over every single night for 4 nights. It was all good fun for them... and for me too!
On the fifth night, I thought I'd get my laughs too, so I got into my old Trackies and an old top, smothered myself with tomato sauce, grabbed the biggest knife I could find in the kitchen and waited. The doorbell rang and i answered the door before the could run off, and asked them (in the scariest voice managable) if they would like to come in. Needless to say, they never came back again! lol!
nope. can you help me out and answer my question? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Am9Avl2LmHvimeenvvXCHL3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100130231928AAJI3dJ
my neighbors did to a crazy fat lady across my street
she got a gun out and chased them around the neighborhood in her truck yelling that she would call the cops

the next day they asked me to do it with them...
Yeah me and some of my friends did it at a birthday party it was fun but we call it "Ding Dong Ditch"
My stupid friend was eating a ice cream when we were playing it then he put the cone on the letter box so it looked like a randon brown cone. The owner came out when we were just about to go then he yelled "Oi come back here now!" we all ran back to my friends house. But then one of my other friends told the birthdays girls mum and told him to go back and apologize... hahaha fun game ecspecially doing it late at night.