POLL: Are you in favor for or against open marriage?

I don't care. Peoples sex lives aren't anyone's business if they aren't hurting anyone.
Whatever floats their boat, as long as they are honest about being in an "open marriage" with the other people they get involved with. I personally would hate to get involved with a guy only later to find out he's already married.
I don't really understand the point... to make marriage more palatable for men? Why get married in the first place? But ok... sure, why not. I'm not against attractive women who are married to other men being allowed to have sex with me.
To each their own. Though to bring a child into a structure like that I would not advise. And I don't think that would work out for myself personally since I would see a marriage as being able to say that this person is "mine" (not in a "my property" sense, though of course) and no-one elses.
that's the most HORRIFYING thing I've ever heard

stupid people like those shouldnt be allowed to get married -.-