Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

I realize it's kind of an apples and oranges sitch, but I think I have a valid point. We always assume to worst about civilians, and always assume the best about the boys in blue. Videos like this are a very sharp reminder that both assumptions should be challenged.

Does that mean we teach our kids not to respect the boys in blue? No. But we do have to teach them to be critical and questioning of any authority figure as authority and power can always be misused by anyone.
Probably not the preferred tactic but very much like the "less then above board" tactics used in most contact sports. The idea being to take away the will to fight.

Before a confrontation everyone is willing to have a go, when the fur flies and they take a couple shots that usually changes.

What rights? There was no issue of "this guy might be innocent" here. Does he have a right to flee justice? The officers were serving a warrant, he ran. He's a gang member and most likely a career criminal; he knows the game. The more you resist the harder the police go. Fighting back is not the way to get them to ease up on you.

Had they just been responding to a call, saw this guy and jumped on him I might feel different but that's hardly the case.

If he didn't run they wouldn't have had to take him down that way. I'm sure those officers would have rather just picked him up and gone to the station rather then having to fight that guy to the ground and fill out a ton of paperwork about the incident.
Haha, that was just what I was thinking. Even if he wasn't being choked, I just can't see how repeatedly punching him in the face is going to "discourage him from resisting." I mean just think about it; if you're pinned to the ground (being choked or not) and someone starts smashing you in the face, are you going to think: "Hmmm, this is fun, perhaps I will just lie here afterall." I certainly wouldn't. Of course I wouldn't resist arrest in the first place, but if somehow it did come to that I'd be stuggling for my life.
If the police start punching me in the face to get me to comply Im afraid I'm going with devoken and struggling.

EDIT: On a side note can I just add that a Burtality sounds like a finishing move from Mortal Kombat involving a Sesame street character.
I teach my sons to be scared as hell of the police where they live in Wisconsin. There was a case in court right now where a bunch of off duty police officers accused a guy a party of stealing a badge (later found under a coat) they beat the hell out of him, stuck him in the ears with sticks, Held his legs apart and kicked him in the groin, cut his clothes off with a knife, slashed one of his friends with a knife, and they were all found not guilty by the courts because 'no one saw a thing'. Finally a female officer came forward and testified against them to a federal prosecutor who finally brought civil rights charges. She's had to leave the force due to anonymous threats and lack of back up when she calls for it. Nice huh.....
How was he going to turn onto his stomach when an officer was kneeling on his throat?
Hi GangrelChilde...

How many cases did you have of "Police Brutality" in your district that you know of in 2006? How many Law Enforcement agencies do you have in your district? How many officers do you have in the district? Just curious...

lol, and people moan about the UK police.
Someone correct me here if I'm wrong, but the UK Police Force would not be allowed to punch a suspect in the face regardless of how much he was struggling?
Hi Holyheadjch,
"How was he going to turn onto his stomach when an officer was kneeling on his throat?"

By complying with the officer's initial coofftopicnds to comply to arrest what else? Do you think the officers would have beat this guy down for complying with officers coofftopicnd to submit to arrest? , If he would have followed officers directives to ensure a safe detainment and then arrest, I'm sure the video would have shown a text book detainment! 1.) Arrest, 2.) Miranda 3.) Pat down, 4.) securing the subject to the cruiser to be transported and 5.) Booking. The officers that I know are both curtious and professional when they effect an arrest and even offer the detainee the information to book out. I can't tell you how many times i gave money, bought coffee, food, gave support to people and their families that I arrested.

But by running from the police does the suspect forfeit his rights? I cannot see how the suspect could have resisted less under the circumstances shown in the video, if an officer had his knee on my throat and was punching me in the face I'd be defending myself more vigorously that he was.
Quote/question from Holyheadjch,

"But by running from the police does the suspect forfeit his rights? I cannot see how the suspect could have resisted less under the circumstances shown in the video, if an officer had his knee on my throat and was punching me in the face I'd be defending myself more vigorously that he was.

Answer "Yes" especially in Felony arrests, there are times in felony arrests {Special circumstances} if you are a danger to the community, Officers can shoot you dead.


Do they not detain felons in the UK? I think they do.... I've watched some of the video take downs that the UK {SWAT} and police in the UK, as well as their ways of dealing with drug and gun runners....These are some Bad A$$ guys and beat people down just like any other place.

Police Brutality or Performance of Duty? It's a shame it can't be both.

Odds on the scrote ended up in that position because he took the police on, then despite the fact that he would have probably ripped both their heads off given the chance, he gets a smack and goes blubbing to a lawyer. I'd like the idea that if someone gets violent with the police they could expect a good kicking during the arrest rather than a therapist and social worker to help them with their self-esteem issues.
Don't think punching to the face would ever be regarded as an acceptable restraining /subduing technique for the police force in the UK.
Quote from Bil Gee

"Police Brutality or Performance of Duty? It's a shame it can't be both.

Odds on the scrote ended up in that position because he took the police on, then despite the fact that he would have probably ripped both their heads off given the chance, he gets a smack and goes blubbing to a lawyer. I'd like the idea that if someone gets violent with the police they could expect a good kicking during the arrest rather than a therapist and social worker to help them with their self-esteem issues."

I agree with you man, in your post and in choosing Wing Chun
Clearly useless beating. Two trained people holding someone. One straddling him and making his legs more or less useless, both holding his arms, and one with his knee on his throat. Resisting or not, the punching served no purpose.
OK we have rattled on about the alleged perps rights ..

Topical ::: have a look at the link and discuss the rights of the downed officer..


remember this officer was like most UK police officers not carrying a firearm >>
