Parents spoil me? Am i spoiled? How can i get them to talk?


New member
Oct 7, 2010
I have the feeling my parents spoil me because they are never at home.
I am in 9th grade and my parents are never home. Both work full-time for big companies pretty high up, my mom and dad always watch out they are never both on business trips at the same time , but this is how the day goes

I wake up at 6:30
At 7:00 they both leave
I go to school and go back home and at 10:00 they both come back (Mostly one of them because the other is on a business trip)
I go to bed around that time sometimes I don’t even see them.

Whenever they come back from the big business trips they bring me tons of stuff, like designer clothes and iPod/iPad or a new phone. Last week my dad came back from the states and gave me a Gucci bag while he was on a business call.

Like they can buy my love? I have the feeling that’s what they are trying to do.

How can i talk to them about it! I would trade all my designer clothes for a few days that i can just spend time with them!

I am just 15 i need my parents. i want them to have time for me.