
  1. K

    Will my moniter spoil if I put it in front of my window?

    I want to put my moniter on my desk but the desk is in front of the window will my moniter spoil? Will sunlight from the window affect my moniter?
  2. F

    Working hard to spoil your pets

    Whether you have a dog, cat, child, or just an old friend that can't stay out of trouble, sometimes it's wise to keep your furry family in one place (for their safety and your sanity). If that place is your living room, a premium wooden pet gate or high quality dog crate(probably with a fluffy...
  3. A

    The Juice: Late inning heroics help Rangers spoil Ubaldo’s debut

    Nine innings and nine items to get you going. Ladies and gentleman of the Stew, take a sip of morning Juice. 1. Home run and hustle: Down to their final out, the Texas Rangers received a game-tying ninth inning home run from Michael Young, which *forced extra innings and eliminated Ubaldo...
  4. R

    Too Many Cooks Spoil the Food?

    doesn't this apply to yahoo answers too ? someone puts a question, he gets, say 30 answers, and in reading them his mind is shattered..even the most befitting answer will pass by him unnoticed in the crowd of too many crows, sorry, in the crowd of too many answers..
  5. I

    does canned food spoil out in the ocean on a boat?

    When a sailor takes a world trip, what do they bring to eat?
  6. A

    If I had a moldy dish in the back of my fridge for awhile would that spoil other

    food in there? Or will the rest of the food be unaffected? The other foods were covered in plastic wrap. I already threw out the moldy stuff I'm just wondering if I need to throw out the good stuff as well.
  7. L

    Parents spoil me? Am i spoiled? How can i get them to talk?

    I have the feeling my parents spoil me because they are never at home. I am in 9th grade and my parents are never home. Both work full-time for big companies pretty high up, my mom and dad always watch out they are never both on business trips at the same time , but this is how the day goes I...
  8. L

    Parents spoil me? Am i spoiled? How can i get them to talk?

    I have the feeling my parents spoil me because they are never at home. I am in 9th grade and my parents are never home. Both work full-time for big companies pretty high up, my mom and dad always watch out they are never both on business trips at the same time , but this is how the day goes I...
  9. L

    Parents spoil me? Am i spoiled? How can i get them to talk?

    I have the feeling my parents spoil me because they are never at home. I am in 9th grade and my parents are never home. Both work full-time for big companies pretty high up, my mom and dad always watch out they are never both on business trips at the same time , but this is how the day goes I...
  10. A

    Whats the best way to meet a rich cougar who will spoil me?

    dont judge, its not polite.
  11. B

    theme for murder of roger ackroyd...that wont spoil the ending?

    Since Dr. Sheppard was the murderer, i thought of a theme some where along it being about how someone so close to you can be your enemy...since Dr. S was helping Poirot with the investigation and all. Im just wondering if anyone can help me think of a theme without spoiling the ending if i were...
  12. S

    i have a usb bluetooth device, does having it always connected spoil it?

    if i keep it always connected in my pc will it give a problem ? ie stop workin or get spoilt????
  13. T

    What type of drink can I keep in my room that wont spoil?

    I have this weird thing where, as soon as I wake up ill feel extremely nauseated and nearly sick to my stomach but If I drink something sugary (like for example juice or ice tea) ill instantly feel better.. the only problem is its hard to get downstairs (my room is upstairs) and get this drink...
  14. H

    if i conect my guitar with my home theater system,,,will this spoil my speakers ??

    I have a fender squier and intex 10800w tower speakers 11000 watts.......If i connect my guitar on my speakers then will this spoil my speakers ...even if i play on low volume !!!!! please help should i play my guitar on my speakers or not ?????....
  15. R

    Why does Hollywood spoil films with music?

    All I could think of during this tune was a bloody heart throbbing along the ground. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtS45bh_INY