Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

exellent, describes perfectly the actions of the Israeli and American governments.

• noun a person who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
I wonder what started Isralei and American government "terrorism" Hmm lets see. Could it have been in response to Islamic terrorism? Yes
Israeli's have the opportunity for Peace at any point, it just means removing their the troops removing the settlements from all occupied territories.
You really have got things the wrong way round, the Americans have been picking a fight in the middle East for a long time before 911. Why do you think that people were celebrating and burning US flags across the Middle East on 911?
But the original poster was talking about the long term toxicity, not the results of a thermonuclear blast.
whatever, obviously the scientific definition is not very scientific, DU is radioactive deadly poisonous and will continue to damage people for billions of years, i class that as nuclear weapons
perhaps one day both sides will be able to admit their guilt and start moving forward, rather refusing to accept responsiblity for there actions and face facts.

Peace will come from compromise and change on both sides, not from hard line rhetoric and violence.
i think that saying DU is going to be around for *billions of years* is a stretch but there certainly looks to be a number of issues with DU contamination.

"Civilian populations in Afghanistan and Iraq and occupying troops have been contaminated with astounding levels of radioactive depleted and non-depleted uranium as a result of post-9/11 United States’ use of tons of uranium munitions. Researchers say surrounding countries are bound to feel the effects as well.

In 2003 scientists from the Uranium Medical Research Center (UMRC) studied urine samples of Afghan civilians and found that 100% of the samples taken had levels of non-depleted uranium (NDU) 400% to 2000% higher than normal levels. The UMRC research team studied six sites, two in Kabul and others in the Jalalabad area. The civilians were tested four months after the attacks in Afghanistan by the United States and its allies."

"The Monitor visited four sites in the city - including two randomly chosen destroyed Iraqi armored vehicles, a clutch of burned American ammunition trucks, and the downtown planning ministry - and found significant levels of radioactive contamination from the US battle for Baghdad.

In the first partial Pentagon disclosure of the amount of DU used in Iraq, a US Central Coofftopicnd spokesman told the Monitor that A-10 Warthog aircraft - the same planes that shot at the Iraqi planning ministry - fired 300,000 bullets. The normal combat mix for these 30-mm rounds is five DU bullets to 1 - a mix that would have left about 75 tons of DU in Iraq."
So for example, if the Israelis withdrew all settlements and military presence from the Gaza strip-

you might consider that a useful first step and a good reason for Hamas to make the next step declaring a permanent ceasefire, and of recognizing Israel as a prelude to further negotiation?
That would make sense. But I think Sankaku wants the 1947 borders or bust before Palestinians come to the table.
There's a significant number of credible sources who attribute "gulf war syndrome" to exposure to DU. It was certainly one of the points made in the class action taken against the MOD.
I think the reasonable solution would be to create a new state, that gave the original inhabitants of the region equal rights and a proportional share of power, rather than the apertheid system that they operate at the moment. Displacing a population and stripping them of rights purely on the basis on their ethnicity and religion isn't acceptable. Until this happens I think Israel should at least be subjected to economic sanctions and an arms embargo. The other bonus would be that the terrorist threat from the middle east would dissapear quite rapidly once the West were seen to be doing the decent thing.
Hamas are the people, without the support of the people they wouldn't be able to exist, it's ridiculous to suggest that Hamas aren't following an agenda of consensus.
No, it's not ridiculous. They are a political organisation with an agenda to follow, the same as any other.

"Hamas are the people", jesus, when did they start brainwashing you?
Yassar Arafat walked away from a 2 state solution. Than he started the intafada. This has backfired on the Palestinan people who are much worse off now. Its worse off for Israel as well.
For as long as people in the West like you accept all this bull about a threat from the middle East and the "evils of radical Islam", our politicans will be able to get away with stirring up hatred and fear and justifying the unjustifiable.

The Middle East is not full of religious Islamic crazies hell bent on destroying the West, it is full of people who have a legitimate grievance about US interferance. Take a look at who the Palestinian suicide bombers actually are, there have been a few good articles in the Guardian over the last few months. Most of them weren't hardcore religious crazies, they where people who's lives had been destroyed and loved ones killed by US supported Israeli brutality. The senior officers in the Israeli army who mutineed recently did it because they found the opression of the Palestinian's intolerable.

The US has never been significantly threatened by the Middle East, even 911 only took the same fatality rate as 3 months worth of shooting homicides across the US. The US has been bombing countries in the Middle East, supporting Isreal and generally peeing the arabs off for decades now.

We in the West are the bad guys in this scenario, we started it, we are bombing and invading their countries, we are taking their oil and then we are whinging because some of them are fighting back in the only way they can.

The inevitable consequences of UK and US foreign policy in the Middle East are hatred and reprisal attacks. That's how people respond when they are invaded and opressed. Our current policies are creating terrorism, not dealing with it.