Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

The same old slip, constantly incapable of actually seeing a point.

They are not mutually exclusive. I never said they were. There are very few wars, if any, that are strictly religious. There is a continuum. In some cases, religion is a larger percentage than others. In some culture and the history of the animosity between people groups are bigger. In others, economic issues are the primary issue. I doubt there are many wars that don't combine all three. The fact that you see someone say something is a bigger issue in a particular war, doesn't mean that they said it was the only issue.
Likewise with people in the UK. Do you have a point or are you trying to convert us to Socialism?
Do you mean to tell me we haven't brought about Middle East Peasce yet on MAP? Wow! The words I would use to describe this thread are agains the TOS.

The UN is worthless, it is corrupt, biased and powerless to stop genocide. Everyone in the UN is considered to abuse human rights by other members so if it were to take action the whole human race would have to be wiped off the planet. Than we will have peace. Until than we will just have to settle for war, poverty, genocide, crack pot dictators and buerocratic democracies that can not prevent terror attacks but whose police and military forces act "like" tyrants.
good to see you have ambition. One man cant change the world, but it doesn't mean he shouldn't try.
How pray tell do we pay proportionately less? Because we are the only economy to reach a ceiling? How about the fact that on top of our assessment, we pay the largest amount in voluntary contributions. On top of that, for peacekeeping missions, we pay an even higher percentage. Then there is the amount of financial aid that the US gives around the world which exceeds anyone else. Finally, to top it off, we give more charity than anyone else.

So I guess your point is, there is a dollar left in the US, it should be given to some other country because they have need and we don't. And we should never be pushy and have strings on that money that we give.

Howabout you give away your all your money, then come tell me that I should increase my giving.
SInce the debate has become about whether Israel has a right to exist because Jews once lived there but not always...what right does mankind have to live on Earth? We were not always here. Stephen Hawkings is suggessting we must colonize space to exist. If there are aliens out there, what right do we have to displace them?

Did you know Stephen Hawkings is English? I couldn't tell from his accent.
Israeli PM apologizes for civilian deaths, vows to continue killing militants.
I'd be interested in seeing the Arabic translation of the agreement. Did they agree to the Sulh or the Salaam? There's a world of difference.