Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

Sorry to disappoint you, but your thoughts on reality don't make them so. Even Wikipedia recognizes that disease was by far the largest cause of death to the American Indians. The same article mentioned that war and violence against the American Indians was a very minor cause of the decline of the American Indian population.

It sounds like you have spent too much time studying Ward Churchill who claimed that the Westerners tried everything they could to exterminate the American Indians. Of course, the people that he supposedly based his research off of have claimed that he totally misrepresented their research. And he is currently embroiled in another scandal about his shoddy research.

I am glad that you are not making excuses for the British. But perhaps you could cut them some slack and not make them out to be more evil than they actually were?

My comment did not say that it was ok to kill and try to wipe out people in war. A nice deflection. My comment is that there are no groups that haven't done the same things that happened here in America that you pointed out.
In the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, and then the Six Day War, the Arab neighbours of Israel attempted to take back the areas given to Israel in the Partitioning. Each time, they lost the battle and ended up with less land than they started with. If the Arab neighbours of Israel had simply agreed to the partitioning in the first place, then Jordan would still have control of an area larger than (and including) the West Bank, and Egypt would have control over Gaza and Sinai, with Jerusalem being an international area.

After Camp David the Sinai was returned to Egypt in exchange for recognition of the existence of Israel.

That goes far beyond the terms of any settlement currently being hoped for by the vast majority of Palestinians. I guess it's not a good idea to start fighting over something if you're going to lose.
Actually, Medi, Jordan and Egypt would not have contrl. The British Mandate was to be divided into 3 sections. A Jewish state, an independent Arab state and an international zone including Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
You're absolutely right, I was looking at the areas of control Post-1948 war. Duh.

So, yes. In fact that makes it even worse... an independant Arab state obviously didn't suit the any of the the Arab neighbours of the Partition either... since they wanted control of the area.
Sorry I just have to pick this out.

Why would the Arab neighbours have agreed to this partition? Why would it be any different from me stealing 20 bucks from you then when you try to get it back beating you up, taking another twenty bucks and telling you that it was your own fault for not just letting me take the 20 in the first place?

edit: Thats from the Arab nations point's of view by the way.
Maybe because that ended foreign control over that area. The British controlled it after they took it over from the Ottoman Empire. That area had not been under it's own control since ancient Israel.

So the U.N. passes a resolution on how to divide that land, agreeing with the world that the Jews did deserve to finnally have their homeland back, and the Arab world rejects it, effectively not caring about the Arabs living there.

It is the only UN resolution concerning that area that the Arab have rejected, mostly because it is the only one they have not brought forth to criticize Israel.
Well, they more or less had to... It was a British territory, taken from the Ottomans for siding with Germany in WWI. The idea behind the partitioning, as I understand it, was to avoid the fighting and administrative nightmare that the mandate had become with regard to Jewish/Arab relations.

To be honest as far as I can see it was a great idea at the time.
yes its full of errors

never heard of him

genocide and slavery and world domination it doesnt really get more evil than that ?
Is there any point to these posts except to shout "WHITE MEN ARE TEH DEVIL!!!" at the top of your voice?
I simply have this question:

How long must a country have established laws and borders (and successfully defend those borders) before the world (and its neighboring states) recognizes its right to exist?
your right, Israel, the US, Britain, France , Spain, Germany, the Soviet Union/Russia are evil. I will no longer recognize them and hope they all get wiped into the sea, if they are near the sea.
Well of course there is. To show a total lack of understanding. Any person that is honest would admit that Britain never accomplished true world domination even though they may have been the most dominate power in the world. Likewise, they would admit that they are not really guilty of genocide and they ended slavery ages ago. But, in the context of this discussion, the arabs also tried the world domination thing, had slaves, and were every bit as worthy of the genocide accusation as Britain.
Well, other than Israel which seems to have a wide rejection and Cuba which only seems to be rejected by the US, almost instantly.
No Cuba is recognized as a country that the US doesn't want to do business with.

The US doesn't have a direct relationship with Iran either but somehow were in talks with them.

The US doesn't want to wipe either country into the sea.
True. At this point, many seem to characterize Israel as our government does Cuba but would like to move it to the case of not recognizing them at all.
true but they were the major world power for a time.

it is important to remember history is it not, it is important to remember what happened during the 2nd world war, yet you want to dismiss a little thing like the slave trade which went for some 500 years.

why ?
That is what I said. They were the most dominate for quite a while but there has been a long line of countries/peoples that have filled that position. Currently, the US holds it but we will eventually lose it also.

Wait a second, I am not one that says forget what happened in the past. That's slip. I would say not to forget what happened in the past but also put it in perspective.

In the US, you will certainly find no shortage of people who believe that they should have some type of compensation for having been the descendants of slaves. Yet long after slavery was illegal in the US and in England, there were plenty of slaves in other parts of the world. Long before there was an England or US there were slaves. It appears that you want to condemn the English and Americans for their part of slavery but aren't pointing any fingers at pretty much the entire rest of the world for their slavery. That is where your perspective is wrong. You can't point out just one case and hold that up as the quintessential example of evil when others were doing it too and just ignore it. If it was evil for one, and it was, then it is evil for all.
Indeed... Sankaku, what's your opinion on African complicity in the "Western" slave trade?
yes you did, you discmissed 500 years of slavery like it was nothing

so they should, the effects of 500 years of slavery are long reaching

thats because i was responding to a specfic post about america.

actually i can when whilst replying to a specific post about america. i merely pointed out elements of american history, elements most people choose to forget.