Obama is like MLK, JFK and Abe Lincoln? You do realize all of them were


May 15, 2008
shot in the head right ? ok, Ive heard people comparing Obama to MLK, JFK, and Abe Lincoln.
I guess they are right, here, i'll list the similarities:
Obama and MLK
-both civil rights figures

Obama and JFK
-both have a large fan base
-both democrat

Obama and Abe Lincoln
-both from Illinois

so yeah they all have something in common. but for him to add up to them he would have to:
- end segregation
- join the military
- survive the sinking of the USS Indianapolis
- win a civil war
- prevent a nuclear war that would destroy the world
yeah... that's not much to add up to :-/

but the one common denominator of the three is they were shot in the head... you sure you still want to compare Obama to those three (even though you really can't... at least not yet anyway)
That is why security is tighter than Hillary Duff's vagina!

Obama got 700 death threats A WEEK when he was campaigning.
THe funny part is that everyone who sent him a death threat was and still is heavily watched by the FBI as a possible domestic terrorist threat.