
  1. W

    Hey Demoncats, don't you know that Abe Lincoln was a Republican?

    And that the southern Demoncats hated the Civil Rights movement? Doh! Enjoy your heritage! I'm tired of lefties bringing up Abe Lincoln.
  2. V

    was abe lincoln real a DL gay?

    i read what he wrote about two men. that was some very intimate and gay feelings. then again, some historians are saying that is how men used to be. i call that bullshit because in those days i believe men were more macho like then today.
  3. S

    How did Abe Lincoln lead his country through the Civil War?

    I'm doing a report for school so please make information as accurate as possible. Thanks.(:
  4. Jordan

    What did Abe Lincoln really think?

    About what? I don't think you finished your question.
  5. S

    What did Abe Lincoln really think?

  6. S

    What did Abe Lincoln really think?

  7. J

    Is Abe Lincoln the king of African Americans?

    I mean if he abolished slavery, at the cost of thousands of lives, wouldn't they be at least thankful.
  8. L

    does anyone have a torrent for abe's oddysee and/or abe's exodus?

    does any have a torrent that's not and ISO file, i just want the straight out game, simple install and play from HDD, please help :) thank you
  9. H

    If Abe Lincoln and George Washington got in a fight who would win?

    Teddy is referee by the way.
  10. M

    Was it true Abe Lincoln wanted to free the slaves but.....?

    wanted them to return to Africa, and said or didn't think blacks and whites could live together in piece, or you think its total BS, I heard it from this Klansman from the Howard Stern show *peace* not piece
  11. M

    Should Abe Lincoln be tried for war crimes posthumously?

    Lincoln started the war that killed and maimed more Americans than all others combined- all in the name of the rape, pillage, and subjugation of the South for the next 100 years. The South is just now recovering and assuming it's rightful place atop the American landscape. If that doesn't...
  12. N

    Am I the only one who feels Abe Lincoln deserved to die?

    I mean he was a war criminal who oversaw the brutal slash and burn policy, illegally held onto Fort Sumter forcing the Confederacy to attack and completely violated the right of succession illegally. He didn't even give 2 shits about the blacks who seem to believe he freed them with the...
  13. N

    Am I the only one who feels Abe Lincoln deserved to die?

    I mean he was a war criminal who oversaw the brutal slash and burn policy, illegally held onto Fort Sumter forcing the Confederacy to attack and completely violated the right of succession illegally. He didn't even give 2 shits about the blacks who seem to believe he freed them with the...
  14. H

    What was the caliber of the gun that shot Abe Lincoln?

    Me and my cousins were wondering this. Thanks for the help!
  15. J

    Is the Gettysburg Address by Abe Lincoln considered a non-partisan speech?

    given that he is the commander in chief of the Union army and that the soldiers who died belong to both the Union and the Conf. armies.
  16. S

    what was the group that disagrees with the idea that booth killed Abe Lincoln?

    i am doing a report in history that asks the question if booth killed lincoln or not. please give me links and research articles that ponts to the idea that he didnt or even prooves he didnt. i need anything. also there is a group that disagrees that booth killed him..so please give me the link...
  17. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  18. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  19. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?
  20. S

    Abe Lincoln is basically the father of the Republican Party; who is the Democrat

    Party's daddy? George Soros?