Non-Christians - Did you know that not believing in Christ is a sin worse than


New member
Aug 4, 2008
murder? Murder can be repented, but you won't have the ghost of a chance with God if you don't believe in Christ and you are judged.
only in your view, because it makes you feel better and superior to everyone else. Self delusion is a common problem.
Yep. That's right. Unbelievers and non-Christians are all doomed. Jesus is the only way. He's the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Him. Not a ghost of a chance is right. But, many are children of wrath. They're vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. Most will not be saved. Jesus said only few shall enter into life. Few is few. Sadly, even the people who call themselves Christians might not necessarily be born again. Unless you're born again, you'll never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Those who believe in Allah, Brahma, etc., could say the same regarding their God. You cannot all be right, but you can all be wrong.

~Agnostic atheist, ex-Christian
I can haz trolling.

I'll say thank you for the easy 2 points and no, it's not worse than murder otherwise they would have a law against it. Sorry, I don't share your imaginary friend.
Space Ghost: worse is not qualified here. Murder takes something away & is a law that carries severe penalties. Non-belief is a reparable perception. Murder is not reparable. This is the kind of bad analogy that gives Christians a black eye.
Space Ghost: worse is not qualified here. Murder takes something away & is a law that carries severe penalties. Non-belief is a reparable perception. Murder is not reparable. This is the kind of bad analogy that gives Christians a black eye.
I know right. If such a god exists, I will deny his existence forever.

He lets pedophiles and mass murderers/dictators in heaven, yet sends unbelievers to hell. He truly is a creation of insane humans.