Newbie weight lifter?


May 16, 2008
Ive just stsrted weight lifting. I found a 3 day programme.
Monday. 25 bicep curls. 10 standing shoulder press. 10 dumbell row. 10 tricep. 25 squatthrust.
Wednesday. 10 sit up. 10 press ups. 20 weighted squats. 2 mins jog on spot 10 squat thrust. (Repeatx3)
Friday. 25 dumbell curls 20 weightrd squats 10 tricep 20 squat thrust.

Will this worl for buildimg muscle on arms amd chest. Aswel as overall fitness. Amd will my musclrs heal in my days off in time for mext days traiming
In a nutshell... everyone reacts differently when starting a new exercise regimen. You really have to just try exercising and most importantly, stick to your routine for at least 8 weeks to see if any changes occur.

Muscle adapts quite fast and the easiest way to see the adaptation will be when you start to feel stronger, ie if at first you can only do 12 pushups and then four weeks later you can do 25 all in one go, your muscles will obviously adapted. You may or may not see absolutely any difference in your shape or size however! But once you got to the point you can do 25 pushups easily 5-6 times (so 125-150 total) and you then did that three or four days a week, then maybe in around 8 weeks or so you would start to see some muscular development!

As you are new to training I would recommend you stick to no more than three days a week, as you are. Depending on the weights used you may require a little longer for recovery or some muscle groups like the legs... they contain larger muscles than the arm and will require longer to recover; around a week or so. Listen to your body! If it hurts so much that you cannot do an exercise then you need more rest, but if you feel okay after you have warmed up (which you should do before you train regardless!) then it should be okay to continue.
Giving yourself a day in between to rest is fine. As for mixing up your routine, it looks like you do a good job with Upper body on Monday and Friday. I would keep wednesday as it is, but add more Chest workouts to your Mon/Fri days. Some examples are Pectoral Flys, Barbell bench press (incline, decline, standard), and reverse flys. I would recommend adding another back workout to go with your Dumbbell Rows, a popular one is the Lateral pulldown to work your Lats. Let me know if you have any more quesitons, I am a fitness trainer at a gym.
If I were u this I what I would do for the first month workout three days a week. And do this workout in the exact order: 5 sets of 20 reps of back squats with a moderate or light weight and go ass to the ground. Then do bench press for 5 sets of 10 reps light to moderate weight. After that do deadlifts 5 sets of as many reps you can do with heavy ass weight!!! And make sure you have proper form on all of these. As you get stronger keep adding the weight otherwise ur muscles won't grow. Lets say u can bench 135 for 10 reps easy then u know its time to up the weight. Don't waste ur time doing isolation exercises like bicep cuz at first focus ur efforts on mastering the big 3 lifts which are squat, bench and deadlift. Btw I'm not a personal trainer but I have gained 20 Pds of muscle in the past year and a half and I'm only 15. But this has worked on a lot of my friends so yeah.