Is this a good fitness plan to lose some weight and put on some muscle?


Jun 8, 2008
Monday- Back/Shoulders & Cardio

Warm-Up: Stretch, Jog

Lat Pull Downs: 3 X 12
Pull Ups: 3 X 12
.5 Mile Run
Dumbbell Bent Over Row: 3 X 12
Cable Pulls: 3 X 12
Seated Dumbbell Military Press: 3 X 12
.5 Mile Run
Lateral Raises: 3 X 8
Front Dumbbell Raises: 3 X 8
Swimming (10-15 Laps)

Cool Down: Stretch

Wednesday- Chest/Abs & Cardio

Warm-Up: Stretch, Jog

Bench Press: 3 X 12
Incline Bench Press: 3 X 12
.5 Mile Run
Bicycle Crunches: 2 X 25
Captain’s Chair Leg Raises: 2 X 25
.5 Mile Run
Reverse Crunches: 2 X 25
Bridges(Right, Middle, Left): 2 X 30 sec.
Swimming (10-15 Laps)

Cool Down: Stretch

Friday- Arms/Legs & Swimming

Warm-Up: Stretch, Jog

Crazy 21’s: 1 Set
Dumbbell Curls: 3 X 12
Dips: 3 X 12
Triceps Pull Down: 3 X 12
Close Grip Bench Press: 3 X 12
Squats: 3 X 12
Leg Extension: 3 X 12
Swimming (10-15 Laps)

Cool Down: Stretch,

And oblviously there will be more to it than just the workout (i.e. nutrition, supplements, etc.)

And I was hoping you would give some suggestions as to what supplements to take brefore and after the workout and throughout the day to help me acheive my goal. I heard of this supplement called Force Factor I think is what its called, and alot of people have seen some good results with it any recommendations? Thanks!