My WrestleMania 27 Match Predictions (Please Rate)?


May 21, 2008
Legend vs. Icon:
Undertaker vs. John Cena (heel)
(if the WWE had any sense they would make this match happen)

WWE Championship Match:
Randy Orton (c) vs. Chris Jericho (if he returns)
(The Miz cashes in on the winner)

Triple H vs. Wade Barrett
(I can see this match possibly happening)

World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Edge (c) vs. Drew McIntyre (I can see Drew getting a title shot soon)

Money in the Bank Ladder Match:
Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston vs.
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Jack Swagger vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Evan Bourne

Submission Match for the U.S. Championship:
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. CM Punk

Big Show vs. Sheamus

Diva's Championship Match:
Michelle McCool (c) vs. Lita (if she returns)

Nexus vs. Nexus Rejects 4 on 4:
Slater, Gabriel, McGillicutty & Harris (Nexus) vs. Otunga, Sheffield, Young & Tarver (Rejects)

Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian (wants revenge for Alberto injuring him)