What do you think?(Summerslam).MY Predictions. Give me yours!?


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Pre Show Ceasaro vs. Santino: Santino retains.
IC Title Rey vs. Miz: Miz Retains
Tag Titles: PTP become new Champs

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane: Daniel Bryan Wins after aj turns on kane and they become a heel couple

Y2J vs. Dolph: Vickie cheats and it backfires and it makes Y2J win so Dolph gets mad and dumps/fires her and goes solo.

Possible Match: Jinder Mahal defeats Ryback shockingly after rex and hawkings try to get them selves noticed and help Jinder def. Ryback

Possible Match: Cody vs. Sin Cara: Cody gets counted out after he runs away (Keeps the fued going)

World Title: Sheamus vs. ADR: Ricardo Cheats and del rio wins but then DOLPH ZIGGLER Cashes in the bank after Sheamus gets mad and destroys Del Rio and Dolph is the new champ setting a triple threat at Night of Champs.

Possible: Heath Slayter open challange he says he wants to face a guy who he knows well. A guy that hes never faced. A guy who has some ring rust...............OUT COMES WADE BARRET and he destroys heath.

The Perfect Storm: Brock vs. HHH ends with the ref. down and Brock has brass knucks and hes about to go UFC on HHH but then Shawn comes out and when you think it doesnt get any crazier he hits a sweet chin music to HHH causing Brock to get the pin.

WWE TITLE: It ends with big show knocking out cena then Punk knocks Big show out with one of his kicks and as Punk is going for the GTS on Cena and about to retain.......IF YOU SMELL!! WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN' the rock comes out and rock bottoms Punk( by the way Triple threat matches are no DQ) and cena coveres him for the Victory and new WWE CHAMP! But as soon as The Rock is about to leave Cena Beats down on the ROCK POSSIBLY TURNING CENA HEEL(HOPEFULLY!!!!!!!)
