My sisters boyfriend thinks i'm jealous of their relationship but I am...


New member
Dec 7, 2008
...really not, because I said No PDA? They were sitting on the couch near me and he was rubbing her leg and back and they were kissing and hugging she's my sister so UGH it's gross.

I am 20 and she is 22.

Why on earth would I be ok with her kissing someone, It makes me want to puke. It annoys me because my sister believes everything that comes out of his mouth.

He's 25 years older than her.

Who do you agree with?
me or him
I said to them ' errr please no PDA'
WHAT the HELL?!?!? No offense, but that is kinda uhh really weird, the 20 year difference thing. But hey, to some people, age doesn't matter. But back to your question, I agree with you, of course!! It's nice for couples to give and recieve PDA's once in awhile, but I wouldn't consider making out and touching each other in front of someone's sister very tolerable. That would be awkward and gross because 1. it's your sister and 2. no one wants to see stuff that should be kept in the bedroom, you know? Tell them the truth, even if it hurts.