My Labrador keeps telling me he needs a friend. What kind does he want?


New member
Mar 9, 2011
My Labrador (Maximus) has been trying to communicate something to me lately. I finally figured it out last night. He is telling me he wants a female friend for sex. I just don't know which kind of dog to get him. I'm sure he would like to have sex with a dog that's smaller than him so that the experience is "extra tight". Would it be possible for Maximus to have sex with a chihuahua or are they too small for his penis to fit into? Ive also considered getting him a beagle. That breed seems like just the right size. Not too big and yet not too small. What breed would be the best for Maximus. He is very well endowed and has a larger than average penis. I haven't been able to figure out why he has so much energy but I think it's because he is sexually frustrated. I am willing to buy him all kinds of dogs for sex so just tell me which ones he would like best and I will buy them. Thanks for all of the advice! Maximus appreciates your answers very much also.