
  1. G

    The Tech Companies in PRISM Aren't Telling the Complete Truth

    Apple. Facebook. Google. Microsoft. Yahoo. AOL. YouTube. Skype. PalTalk. The tech companies that have been associated with PRISM have all unequivocally denied involvement with the spying program. But are they speaking the whole truth? Or are they simply using choice words to evade the real...
  2. M

    How do I respond to my Uncle In Law telling me to wait to buy what baby needs?

    My Uncle in Law is from India. So is my husband. My Uncle in Law keeps telling me not to buy anything until the baby is born. I told him you MUST have some things before the baby gets here. And that I don't need the extra stress and tension of dealing with everything alongside not having...
  3. C

    I was telling my boyfriend how I support gay people and...?

    He thought I was accusing him of being gay... He got really mad and defensive and I was like "Just calm down, I never said you were gay? I was just stating my views. Clearly you aren't gay." and he keeps going on about how I said he was gay and telling a bunch of people. Why did he have this...
  4. W

    bell is not telling me i hav a responce to my comments on yahoo news?

    feb. 6th i had my laptop worked on , mem drive was full , after that i have not got one bell notice to any responce to on yahoo news comments
  5. G

    Can i record the audio of a meeting without telling the people involved ?

    First of all i am from Quebec, Canada. Tomorrow i have an appointment with my boss. Can i record the audo of the meeting without telling them ? We have some problem that we need to solve but at the same time I want to protect myself against thing they could say to me. Ps: i would use my...
  6. H

    I had visions of a spirit telling me about the future?

    He said yo hey man the future is gonna be so cool. What does this mean? Seems cool.
  7. A

    Telling Me How Unhealthy & Fattening Your Food Is While I Eat It Is Kind Of A Killjoy

    Telling Me How Unhealthy & Fattening Your Food Is While I Eat It Is Kind Of A Killjoy I recently moved back to New York City, and as I was walking around waiting to meet some friends I came across*Rice to Riches, where I'd been once a while back and remembered liking. The place is like an ice...
  8. N

    Constant dreams about me and my ex getting back together ? Way of telling future?

    So, me and my ex broke up about 2 weeks ago. We broke up because of ' constant arguing ' and he ' doesn't want a relationship right now ' I'm still hurt by it but I'm moving along! But, I keep having dreams about me and him getting back together ! In my first dream, we were so close to getting...
  9. E

    My mum keeps telling my dad bad things about dog. Think she wants me to give up on

    buying dogs..? And she said she wants to bring me to the pet shops and see
  10. S

    Is telling someone they look like a celeb a good compliment?

    A good lookin celeb! N what do u think they might of thought wen i told them this
  11. A

    Roy Hodgson reportedly telling strangers on train that Rio Ferdinand won?t play for E

    If Rio Ferdinand wanted to learn his fate with Roy Hodgson's England team, he should have been riding the London Underground's Jubilee Line on Wednesday, because that's where the England manager reportedly told random travelers that the 33-year-old Man United defender is finished at the...
  12. J

    i get text messages on my cell phone referring to and telling me I

    need to add $ to my accnt. ? I got a subsequent message indicating that money had been automatically withdrawn from my bank account and applied to my fon bill. How do I eliminate any connection between yahoo and my AT&T phone? Thank you.
  13. S

    Why can't you vent to someone without them telling someone else about it?

    No one can just listen anymore and keep anything to themselves. WHY????
  14. T

    My parents are telling me that my future career is USELESS, need help!?

    Ok so they want me to be a doctor. They tell me the medical field brings one ALOT of respect. But I want to be a programmer! They always tell me that programming has no value, and the pay is $H1T (they didnt use that word though). what should i do??? programming or medicine??
  15. A

    Ryanair Cuts Fuel Costs By Telling Flight Attendants To Lose Weight…For A Swimsuit Ca

    Yes, gas prices are rising, which means airfares are rising too. But one airline, Ryanair, thinks they have figured out how to keep their fuel costs in check: by telling flight attendants to lose some weight. More »Post from: Blisstree
  16. A

    Study: IUDs Are Safer Than Your Doc Is Telling You

    For decades, the*intrauterine device*(IUD) was a dirty word when it came to contraceptive, thanks in large part to problematic early versions, which lead to bacterial infection, sepsis, and other gnarly and painful complications. But these days, scientists have pretty much got IUDs down pat...
  17. G

    Beyond 42: Stories Telling Science

    Skeptically Speaking 156: This week, we're experiencing the power of stories to communicate science. Join us for Beyond 42: How Science Can Use Stories to Explain Life, the Universe and Everything. This event, recorded live in Edmonton, features Scientific American Blog Editor Bora Zivkovic...
  18. E

    From what people are telling me, I am very scared?

    I had a few hours ago that my bottom front tooth became very loose, and fell out. I've read lots of theories on this one, saying that is can be a meaning of anywhere to death of someone you know soon, good fortune, a change, etc. Which one do you think it means? The death one especially scares...
  19. L

    If god made Eve from Adam was that god's way of telling Adam to go _ _ _ _ himself?

    Love thy self. Why make man form dirt and women from a rib?
  20. F

    I had a dream and my boyfriends dead brother was telling me to be patient with

    his brother ? And when I look down I was breast-feeding my boyfriend