My female dog is behaving strange: carries toy, whines...?


New member
Mar 16, 2009
these are the facts:
- she's a 2 year old shih-tzu
-not fixed, but not pregnant either 100% sure

behavior: (she's been like this for a week now)
-carries a squeaky little toy in her mouth all day (it's not a new toy)
-whines all the time, no apparent reason
-she's used to sleeping in the living room, but now anytime i open my door she runs and hides under my bed and won't come out unless i leave the room, then she follows me, but when i come back in she runs under the bed again
-so, she never even liked my room that much, almost never came in...
-last night, she even whined and scraped on my door, so i would let her in
-also she always looks kind of anxious?
-she's eating normally

so has your dog ever behaved liked this? is it normal or should i worry? is it temporary?

...thanks in advance :)
Who else lives in your home (if anyone) The fact that she is carrying a toy sounds like she wants attention from you, (she is acting needy) hiding under the bed though is different. Anything that would have scared her before this started. Very loud noises, anyone new in your life she is afraid of? Have there been any changes in you normal schedule or have you been gone longer that usual this last week? Watch to see if she has normal stools and drinks and pee's. Any new pets in your home or if you've been to someone elses house where she would smell their pets on your clothes?
not fixed but not pregnant which means your dog might be going through false pregnancy or pseudocyesis. this thing happens because of some hormonal imbalance from your dog. am just winging it here so it might be best for you to consult with the vet.

am attaching you a website that has detailed information regarding false pregnancy in female canine. hope this helps.
- awwh shees probally scared or either seekinq more attention ;; she probaly waants a friend perhaps a new puppy ?
It sounds like shes been spooked by something outside your room. She is following you around because you are procting her. her toy in her mouth is somthing like a security blanket for her. is there anything new in the house that could be scaring her?