My Dvd rom is not displaying in my computer and device manager?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I don't know when the issue started but I think it is because of Registry cleaner.

Solutions I tried

Delete Upperfilter and Lowerfilter. (Didn't exist in regedit)
System Restore
Troubleshooting in Windows
Microsoft Fix It

Still it doesn't display my DVD rom in my computer. And also in device manager.

When I restored the registry backup made by CCleaner, The virtual drive shows up (ISO) but not my DVD rom. Then I tried to insert a disk and it sounds like it's reading the disc but I can't find it in My Computer.

I also tried to Add Device but they said they detected none.
forget about the "virtual drive", it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the physical drive!!!!

Well, reseat the DVD optical drive, if that doesn't solve your issue, so your DVD drive is bad!!

meaning: unplug it from your computer and replug it!