My boyfriend making constant jokes about him being gay? I want to message his ex


May 26, 2008
gf about him? My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year, it'll be a year in 2 1/2 weeks. He makes constant jokes about him being gay. I laught at them, but sometimes it's too much and I start to think that he might be a little. My friend said he acts like he is a little bit and my brother laughed at a picture he took with me because he said his pose looked gay. He's slim and he's a runner. He's was in a relationship with his last serious girlfriend for three years and broke up b/c she didn't like going out and he did and she'd get mad at him if he came home with lipstick on his cheek or on his shirt or if he smelled like perfume because he'd dance with other girls when he'd go out because she wouldn't want to go out with him and his friends. Now he doesn't like going out to clubs at all and has changed his ways. He use to be a thug (I've seen pics) and into rap music, wore bling and all that. He's a buddhist now and is really calm. He makes jokes ALL the time about being gay and I tell him to shut up and I tell him he should stop saying that. He then says he's just kidding. I found his ex girlfriend on facebook and want to ask her why they broke up just to hear her side of the story. I don't want her to think I'm trying to break up with him because I'm not. I don't think he's really gay, he doesn't "do it" like he's gay.I know she sends him text messages every now and then to see what he's up to and he'll tell me so I wont get mad and then he'll respond to her text. She lives in Wisconsin where he's from. He thinks I'm going home with him for Christmas just to make sure he doesn't try to go see her. She has a kid now and he said he doesn't date women with kids. I jut want to send her a facebook message to see why they broke up (get her opinion), but I don't know how to do it without her thinking i'm up to something b/c she'll try to call or text him about me. He's not on facebook anymore, but his brothers are and she's still friends with his brothers on facebook and I don't want her telling them that i'm talking about my boyfriend either because I'm not. I just wanna hear from her on why they broke up,. He's dated 3 other girls in between his ex gf in wisconsin and me. Please no smart comments.