My 7 Week old puppy wont stop crying/whining! crate potty training help!?


Jun 1, 2008
I have a 7 week old lab/cattle dog mix. Shes pretty well behaved during the day if shes out of her "house". But she wont use the bathroom when i take her outside. she'll just cry and whine and chew on the leash. im usually outside for almost 20 mins waiting for her to pee/oop and she wont! and she wont use puppy pads. she waits until i turn my back and she goes on the carpet. so ive decided to crate train her. she screams/yelps/howls nonstop. for hours. i know im not supposed to let her out until she quiets down, but she never does! even if im in the same room as her. she gets all out of breath and she paces and scratches at the cage. i dont know what to do! please help. (btw ive never owned a dog before)
Dogs don't *begin* to have control over their urine and feces until they are around 4 months old. You could try staying out with her MUCH LONGER, walking her in circles on leash, in your yard until she does what she will eventually have to do.

If you want to crate train her, get the book for $7.99 (plus mailing) at, How To Housebreak Your Dog in Seven Days, written by Shirlee Kalstone. While the dog can't control it's urine or feces it CAN be taught the IDEA of going outside. You have to read the book and follow the instructions. It works. It is the book I use with my puppies.

Remember to NEVER leave a puppy unattended.