MARTIAL ARTS & SELF-DEFENSE: Krav Maga, Taekwondo or Karate?


May 15, 2008
I'm trying to self-teach myself some practical self-defense martial arts (eg. a man attacks me on a dark street with only a couple of people). I'm choosing from these three: krav maga, taekwondo and karate. Please explain/describe each briefly (provide links if you can).

What would be the most suitable for me?
I'm 13 and female. I'm 5"2' in height and weigh around 50 pounds. I'm physically healthy. I'm willing to learn and put the right amount of effort to learn effectively, too.

Also, which is the "easiest" or "good for beginners"? Please suggest forms of martial arts that aren't one of the three that you think will suit me best. Thank you. :)
I could possibly attend a martial arts class and practice with a master teacher too.
**50kg, NOT 50lbs. Sorry :D