People who do karate or martial arts, what was one of the reasons you chose to do it?


New member
Jan 24, 2013
I'm thinking about doing karate or martial arts is because i want to learn how to defend and protect myself from bullies and people who would threaten to beat up and i of course have got bullied before in the past!!!!!!
I started when I was 6 because I was bullied. It kinda worked but it didn't give me the confidence. Then I joined MMA and it gave me confidence and it taught me how to fight better.
Mike Tyson was bullied as well. So were countless other great fighters. In my eyes, that's all the reason you need. Over time, though, you need to find new reasons to keep going. At first, learning to overcome bullying and to defend oneself is all the motivation needed to start. I've found that the main thing that KEEPS one training is a love for the martial arts.

Everybody's reasons are different, though, and that's only my experience.

Good luck.
ya i was really lil tho bullies and my gay pedo like neighbor. i too tang soo do first. but you really want a mma school but any martial arts is better then none and if your shot on cash join te wrestling team