Margaret Thatcher has died

I'm even more annoyed at the way the press is bigging her up and acting like she saved Britain and made it a world of sun-shine and roses (which she very clearly didn't). Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I keep getting the feeling that the current media are using her death as a quasi-martyrdom for cuts and privatisation.
This should be played during the procession, she might have beat the union's but she never beat the ravers.

If I have to pay for this thing don't I at least get a say in the set list.
The Mail this morning called everyone who bought "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead" left wing agitators. The Mail really is a parody of its own readers.
30% of the total UK energy bill pays for imported coal and its logical to assume its been higher over the last 30 doubt the mines, steel works etc where in decline but her policy's of smashing the unions at any price do's not sit well with most people iv met.
Overly-aggressive Unions and coal/manufacturing industry are two different things. One could be tackled without destroying the other.

On which note the man who did most for Maggie was Arthur Scargill. I heard Neil Kinnock talk very persuasively recently and his description of Scargill as a "tactical genius" was withering in its sarcasm.

Are we really going to be so quick to celebrate what they did to collective bargining rights. I'm a dye'd in the wool Socialist and I am no fan of Scargill, the man made his class war day dream's a reality at the cost of actually defending an industry that employed thousand's. But Trade Unionism is a good and just thing essentially and she set out only to take back the gain's that had been made for working people and there right's because she didn't believe they should have any. There desprate to paint Margret Thatcher as an economic driven leader forced to do thing's that split the country in half because of the financial climate of the time, you'd be a fool to believe it she was the most idelogically driven leader this country has ever had, A bigger class warrior than Scargill could hope to be in his wildest dreams.

EDIT: not that Kinnock is great he started the ball rolling that would turn labour into tory lite
Correct me if I'm wrong but the coal industry had been losing money since before Thatcher took office and was clearly on its way out anyway right? Not saying that excuses her taking it out in such a short time window, but I can understand how the Union issue may not have helped sway her to the idea that the industry was worth letting bleed out longer
she'd have attacked Labour rights regardless just liking the Iron ladyboy is doing now, dismantling the coal industry (and selling all the rest of our industry to foreign investor's) with all the grace of a bull in a china shop was a nice oppertunity.
From what I can remember of my lectures a couple years ago the winter of discontent was what pushed the Conservatives to the top of the polls. Labour unions kinda shot themselves in the foot there. Had I lived through it I would of agreed with her too most likely.

But anyway I never questioned that she'd have attacked Labour rights. My point was that it probably didn't help stop her shutting down of the coal mining industry.
ah, god bless uncle Ken
I wasn't just talking about one event, I was talking about markets in general. Do you know at how much gold and oil will be trading, the Dow Jones Index in 2 years, the USD vs GBP? Do you know what will be the hot trends in fashion and technology ?

This recent collapse was down to certain banking derivitives that were ridiculously toxic. A lot of people knew there was trouble coming. But that's not actually what I was talking about. You don't know how the car market will be performing in 2 years from now do you. What about the housing market ?

Not so easy is it?

Sometimes you can make a predicition and it is right in the markets, other times not. Things can change or take much longer to develop than you thought. When there are bubbles or extreme moves then yes you can foresee that something is overbought or oversold and there is likely to be a reversal. But you have to wait for it to play out. But trying to predict exactly when things will take place in markets is foolish. Many an investor and trader lose out trying to do so.

You can't really trade chart analysis or fundementals 2 years forward with any great accuracy. Try it, and I'm fairly sure you'll lose money.

If you're confident in your ability to predict the markets 2 years forward you really should be a multi millionaire from your great crystal ball there. I'll bet you you're not though. Next 6 months is more realistic, generally speaking.
Even if a caricature is beneath you.. It doesn't mean it has no relevance to any discussion regards what was going on in Britain in the Eighties under Thatcher. It was extremely popular. Why would it be if there was no truth to it? It may not be the high brow economic data you're looking for. But it certainly captured something real that was happening in the country.

If you want to dismiss that as not being true, that's your mistake. Like I told you. Yes, not everything was rosy for everyone. But you can't paint the whole economy as being crushed by Thatcher, that's just an inaccurate portrayal of the complete picture. For some people it was tough and a struggle, but for others in the country it was a time of economic growth and greater prosperity. Sorry if that bothers you, but life is not fair.
for some people it was a time of tough struggle and others great prosperity, you could have put that allot simpler, people who live too the north and south of essex

horrible scummy old cow, in any other country the funereal she is getting would be a joke, in this country its what I'v come to expect from the establishment.
really? you're going with popularity and caricatures? that's your argument? because you think there's some "truth" to them?

i gotta say, you talk to people in a very condescending manner. dude, you don't know anything about me. you have no idea how much i've worked to get where i am and where me and my family started from. you're telling me life is not fair? please.

also, i'm still waiting for something other than your personal feelings of how well the economy has done for all but the very top tax bracket. show me some numbers instead of your anecdotes. show me something, some data, a chart, something. prove to us that the poor and the middle class did well during this time, as well as the top. in my view, as i've mentioned repeatedly, the economy was "crushed" because all but a few benefited. i've shown you poverty went up, middle class lost ground, and inequality skyrocketed. at least show me that the rich did well, i'd appreciate some facts.