Looking for Gym Work out Advice?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I will be starting at a gym on Monday with the aim of losing weight and getting fit because I am really out of shape and would like some advice on the best workouts for weight lose.

The only problem is because of my family life/work I will only manage to get to the gym during my dinners and as such I will only get four-five 30 minute sessions in the gym a week.

Any help tips are welcome
Google circuit training, basically it involves doing all your exercises for a set number of reps back to back I.e. without rest in between. It saves time and is good for both cardio and strength training, although its not going to build as much muscle as a focused strength training program.
Platinum fitness great gym aswome trainers and great classes , you can get a trainer for 30 mins free and also go in a class for 30 mins it's more than enough to lose alot of calories I have Lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks
the best way to lose weight is to do cardio so jogging running swimming biking what ever you can do that gets your heart pumping and also changing your diet helps out more so you may want to look into that good luck.
Cardio will lose fat if you start weight lifting while over weight you will become bigger because the muscles will form under the fat, run a couple miles until relitivly slim then start lower body for maximum weight loss
At the risk of sounding like a stronglifts spokesperson I reccomend this routine to all those who aren't familiar with lifting weights at all.
