lets play guess who deserves to die the most!

You know what you Jesus-masturbating asshole? You are the reason everyone hates Christians. Seriously, grow the fuck up. One, Islam is bigger than Roman catholics. Two, NO ONE fucking knows what hell is like because FUCKING NO ONE has come back to tell us.

Yes, I'm a Christian, and no, I don't want to see you burn in hell, or any of these people, even the atheist bisexual transvestites of Jewish decent who like giving blowjobs to mulatto men, because that's not what we should be about as Christians.

You can go fuck yourself, though.
Edit: learn how to spell "sulfur" before telling everyone to burn in it.

And Jesus loves these guys, because he loves everyone, so fuck your boring Christian music.
Song is called "when satan rules his world" by Deicide, and it kicks ass.
You do realize he's a huge troll, right?
If everyone ignored him he'd have nothing to feed off of. Some trolls are fun to mess with but this guy is just lame. Ignore him and he leaves.

say what???

he does give Christians a bad name for fulfilling their stereotype. did you mean me or ZEEB? cuz I'll be the one to break his arms :D