Jehovah's Witnesses: Do you think that the BP Oil spill was part of a prophecy?


New member
Sep 14, 2010
I don't know the material word for word, but something about a disaster in the ocean killing 1/3 of the animals was mentioned right?

This is what brought up my question -

If you can, try and watch the whole thing.

I want different opinions on this!

BQ: How's everyone's day going? I tore up some Persian food and I'm sooooooooooo satisfied :D
Can you guys please save the crap answers for someone else? I'm being serious for once.
The Bible made a lot of predictions and all that is happening that affect great number of people is part of the tribulation. So it is everything together. The Bible says "anguish of nations not knowing the way out", It also says men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, lacking natural affection, unthankful, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power". In Revelation it says that the Devil was thrown out of the heavens and he is on earth "angry knowing that he has a short period of time". So he is going to create havoc with everything on earth.
Look at all the people now that think that the poor do not deserve any help. That those who lost their jobs and are losing their homes are worthless. They are not showing the Jesus is their example. Look at Glenn Beck what he says God is telling him.
It is just one of the many signs predicted by Revelation. Rev. 11:18 tells us what will happen to people.

(Revelation 11:18) 18*But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give [their] reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”
If america reduced it's dependency on oil, where 10% of the worlds population use 25% of worlds resource, this disaster may not have happened. and now usa complains of pollution. Weird.
Some might. I remember when my older sister heard about the plane hitting the world trade center. She jumped up and cheered saying, "The New System is Coming!". Some might feel greatly hurt by her actions, but if you knew the amount of disappointment adn failed predictions that came from the JW's you would understand her excitement. She has been so dependent on the new system coming since she was an infant, quite like I was when i was young. My parents never set any goals, mom was asked to stop working by the elders, our education (school) was a hindrance to my parents and college unheard of in my sisters time.

The desperation some old time witnesses might be feeling for the end times to come might cause them to be happy or excited about such disasters like this and the Indian Ocean earthquake.

I myself feel the overwhelming urge for destruction and doom and I'm now an atheist.
Well it didn't kill 1/3 of the animals and if anything, it has fed the bacteria and increased their numbers.

If you throw random darts at a wall with random targets, a few are bound to hit. The ones that don't hit, you can say haven't been hit yet but they will be because based on the evidence we have, the others hit.

Remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day.