I've noticed a trend between my weight gain and school work. What do ya think?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I was pretty slim through Elementary School, and until the first grade. Then I started packing on the pounds. I didn't really notice it during the years. The ocassional comment from other classmates caught my attention but I brushed it by.

When in Junior High though I became really self-concious about it. Then I noticed that my grades slipped a couple of points all around, I just brushed that by to be just adjusting to higher standerds in Middle School. Years forward I put a couple pounds on and I noticed my grades are going down little by little (especially in math). Now I'm in High school and I'm more self concious about my weight more than ever. I'm also failing math and my parents are pissed.

I keep trying to get my act together in school, but the stress is to much. Between my social, and work lives. I try to tell my parents this but the conversation just ends in lots of arguing. I just want to shed the weight and stress fast. What do I do?