Isn't it true that if the Bible is verified by any prophecies etc, then the Qu'ran


New member
May 2, 2011
is verified also? Meaning isn't it true that anything that verifies the Bible verifies the Qu'ran also since the Qu'ran is the finisher of it all, so any proofs in the Bible automatically, I guess roll over, to the Qu'ran as proof and accuracy?
The Qu'ran is similar to the Bible almost to a tee, the only difference is the actual deity. Christians believe that Jesus was the Son of God sent to earth to save us, where the muslims believe that Jesus was only a prophet. They believe that Muhammed rules from a mountain top in the north, whereas Christians believe in an almighty God that rules from heaven which is supposedly in a different realm. Problem is that even though the muslim religion has been around for Milennia, it's belief of a deity ruling from the mountain top was probably stolen from the ancient Greeks. As we all know, people have been able to climb to the highest peak on Earth, Everest, and we have helicopters and planes that can go even higher, and no-one has found any such deities on mountain tops. That fact alone makes the Bible more accurate even if it is just by a small percentage.