Isn't it great that rival supporters can mingle in the crowd of a rugby


New member
Oct 2, 2011
match wiithout fighting each other? Imagine such a scene in a football match...dozens would have been stabbed/punched or even killed. What makes rugby supporters so much more civilized than their rowdy football equivalents/ Could it be that watching football is like watching paint dry and that they need a diversion to keep them amused?
Go to any premiership (or championship ground) and you'll find that the home and away supporters are segregated.
How much 'friendly banter' would you get , for example, at a West Ham-Millwall match at either Upton Park or The Den if rival supporters were standing next to each other??
Rugby crowds are great because it's so friendly.

However I do like football crowds as well because the segregation creates a better noise.
Because rugby supporters watch for the love of the game and not to cause trouble.

Part of the fun of rugby is watching with other people especially rival supporters and the main reason is, at the end of the day, rugby supporters know that it's just a game.

Soccer fans are crazy and personally they kill the game. I used to play and watch it but it's not fun when people are screaming death threats at you and players on the tv...It's just over the top.
Because Rugby is probably the most civilized of all the footballs..and has the best action so fans eyes are on the field and not on each other
Actually if your side's just conceded a try or missed a pen from right under the posts the last place you want to be is surrounded by people laughing and clapping. I prefer segregation.
"Football fans are hooligans" and "Footballers are pansies" are two of those myths that, along with "Germans have no sense of humour" won't seem to ever go away!
Don't care much for soccer and would rather stay away from the match for the segregation bit alone, but I did have a laugh when I saw this article allowing women and children only
Gosh what would happen if they did that in say England a huge spit of the dummy from the Male fan base take to the streets and protest..... oh wait don't they already do that?
Yep don't care much for soccer!
Rugby is a game where the hard men are on the field, and fans behave like gentlemen and women.
Rugby players accept the referees decision, no matter how right or wrong that decision may be, but these decisions are often proven by television analysis by other referees, which eliminates most mistakes.
Football is way behind the times, and refereeing mistakes occur in EVERY match, often even affecting the result. This has also resulted in match-fixing, because it is so easy to bribe referees.
The average footballer wouldn't survive more than a few minutes on a rugby field, but would crumble as the first tackle came, then complain for the rest of the game.

Football has for so long been ruined by four things.
Firstly : hooligans, who are basically aggressive, mindless morons, who believe that their team is the only important thing in life.
Secondly : far too much money from TV and sponsorship revenues, which results in these spoilt, pampered footballers receiving ridiculously high wages, which are totally inappropriate for what they produce on the field.
Thirdly : The footballers are allowed to complain and comment about every decision the referee decides against their team. Look how often they surround a referee, putting as much pressure on the official as possible, even though this has NEVER led to a change in a decision. These footballers should ALL receive yellow cards, or be sent off for dissent, which would certainly happen in Rugby. Fifa and Uefa should allow the same proof of decisions as in rugby, by TV analysis. Only then can all the decisions be respected.
Fourthly : the media, who wrongly believe that the general public is more interested in football than anything else, which then leads to the other reasons.
I have had many great experiences at football matches; loads of friendly banter, singing and fans of both teams socialising together after the match. I love both football and rugby :)