
  1. D

    Does participating in "Christian" Mingle guarantee you a Christian partner?

    I know it doesn't because spiritual discernment is not applied. It is nothing but a money-maker for the hosts. There are other supposedly "Christian" dating sites which I believe are all the same: trash. This is what can happen when there is no spiritual discernment and not waiting for God to...
  2. K

    how to get d 3 pets mingle with each other?? 2 baby pugs and 1 full grown labre?

    i have 3 dogs in total out of which 2 baby pugs and 1 labrador...when i get d 2 pugs in reach of d labre..they just dont let the labre to settle anywhere and in turn he gets irritated and is beaing neglected...how to get the three of them get mingled to each other?????? please help
  3. S

    Are there a lot of single women in Pondicherry, India who would want to mingle?

    I don't know, am just asking !?
  4. D

    why do people keep signing up for zoosk & chrishian mingle?

    i was totally scammed no dates
  5. O

    I keep getting spam email from christian mingle. It makes me wonder is there...

    ...an agnostic mingle site? If not should I start one?
  6. N

    How many Christians belong to the Westboro Mingle Dating site? Its awesome and...

    ...made by God? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbqiiY_Pam8&feature=player_embedded
  7. H

    To mingle friendship far is mingling bloods meaning?

    To mingle friendship far is mingling bloods. What does it mean
  8. U

    can i mingle with sinners for the sake of the gospel? (1 corinthians 9:19)?

    "though i am free and belong to no man, i make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible" 1 corinthians 9:19 "i do all this for the sake of the gospel, that i may share in its blessings." 1 corinthians 9:23 if i believe i am saved and want to save others, am i compromising the...
  9. J

    Chat/blog websites to talk and mingle with other gay men in my aria?

    Most I have tried have all turned out to be hook up sites. My husband and I are looking for other gay couples or individuals to talk to or hang out with. We never look for other to "play" with or anything. If there is a souch place I have yet to find it.
  10. T

    Would this be a good name to use on Christian Mingle?

  11. T

    Is christian mingle a scam?

    I keep seeing their stupid commercials on tv and it looks so stupid.
  12. T

    Why do all Gods stop coming to earth to mingle with the people as soon?

    as the holy books are written. I'm a little suspicious of Gods that only show themselves in the past. At least Thor still shows up at R&S.
  13. R

    single and ready to mingle :/?

    so ive been single for ever so realy like to have a boyfriend..i dont have a job or college and i think now it the perfect time to have a relationship that i can start and build corectly...so im 19 and i think i do things wrong when little things happen that boy will flert with me i get scared...
  14. C

    My smileys arent showing up on my MINGLE FORUM website.?

    Can anyone tell me what the problem is? Heres an example...... http://clubfauna.com/forums/?mingleforumaction=viewtopic&t=10.0#postid-56 it shows the smileys on the reply functions.... but it shows an "X" in the posts when someone tries to use them. someone please help
  15. B

    Christian Mingle - what is the deal?

    so I paid up for christianmingle.com and all the women are fat. What is the story with Christian Mingle if you know?
  16. A

    is there a phone number for christian mingle?

    I cant log in or get a response from anyone is there a phone number anyone knows of?
  17. A

    Would you rather be single to mingle or in a happy relationship?

    just a poll
  18. B

    Does Jesus approve of the Christian Mingle website?

    Why or why not?
  19. S

    When people get hitched through Christian Mingle, is it really Yahweh's will?

    Does Yahweh approve of Christian Mingle? ?
  20. W

    BANANA: IS single and ready to mingle?

    Who is a good mate for me(fruit)? Be creative and also state reasons.