Islam has the most devoted followers out of all religions?


New member
Jul 16, 2008
If you notice, Islam has the best and most devoted followers. Not saying ALL Muslims follow their religion properly (lets not mention those terrorists, they clearly are sick in the head) but other than that most Muslims take their religion seriously in comparison to other religions. I know Christians but they don't even follow their religion properly, they call themselves "Christians".
Why do you think a lot of Muslims love their religion? Isn't it because they truly know it's the correct religion?
Most Muslims unlike most Christians in the United States, live in close family relationships that apply pressure on them to practice their family taught religion.Another important factor is that Christianity teaches love,forgiveness and free-will practice of faith.To the contrary,Islam teaches hate,violent retaliation,and authoritarian imposition of rules and rituals,sometimes under threat or the actual practice of violence,even torture in fact,for those Muslims who exhibit rebellion against the dictatorship of their faith.