
  1. F

    Things to do with my followers on tumblr?

    not like a promo game. something like anon hour, send me a name for opinion, sexual hour etc. because i've done most of those already, i want to try something new :)
  2. A

    Brandon McCarthy shares his batting practice playlist with Twitter followers

    The best thing about Brandon McCarthy is that he's always in Brandon McCarthy mode. Regardless of what time of year it is, what team he's playing for, or what his particular assignment on a certain day might be, he approaches life the same way. And I might add it's the right way, because he...
  3. M

    Christ followers, what does the church?

    Christ followers, what does the church mean to you. To me it means people worshipping Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  4. E

    How do i get more followers and likes on instagram?

    I have 137 followers. I want to get more followers and likes but how do i get both of it? Anyway, i am a girl and my instagram is @eclyy :)
  5. R

    How to get more followers on tumblr?

    I've only had tumblr for about a week and I only have a few followers, how can I get more? I've been posting and reblogging a lot of stuff but I don't know what else to do :/ My tumblr is by the way.
  6. S

    How does religion trap it's followers?

    What are some of the psychological and other tricks that religion uses to "trap" it's adherents? Sources and links to academic level papers and studies much appreciated!
  7. R

    How to Get Keek followers ?

    What is the best way to get Keek followers ? Even using a keek bot, i don't mind.
  8. M

    How to remove twitter followers?

    I have 900 twitter followers. And I was wondering how do I get arid of all the creeps and people I don't know? What is the quickest and most efficiant wway to do this.
  9. N

    How to get more followers on tumblr?

    Can anyone help me with some ideas to get more followers? Please and thank you! Mine is
  10. C

    Are the Watchtowers followers the only ones from the 144,000 from.....?

    the12 tribes to be saved?
  11. D

    How can I stop Twitter Followers?

    I signed up for Twitter a few weeks a go and I have 6 Followers. All 6 of the Followers are porn stars. How can I make sure they don't follow me and I don't get any more?
  12. M

    How to increase twitter followers?

    Please follow me on twitter...I will surely follow you back...!/apon3636
  13. D

    Why do Christians think social justice is not their responsibility as followers of

    Christ? Psalms 82:3 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. And James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the...
  14. C

    How can I get more followers on tumblr? ?

    Can anybody give me some advice? Thank you!<3 My tumblr: annekeapocolips
  15. C

    How can I get more followers on tumblr? ?

    Can anybody give me some advice? Thank you!<3 My tumblr: annekeapocolips
  16. M

    Followers of Christ: Does it worry you that Jesus is a zombie? Or do you...

    ...feel protected in any way by this? From the upcoming zombie apocalypse. Thank you for your mature and respectful answers.
  17. A

    Why do followers of Judaism deny the fact that Masonry is based on Judaism?

    Everything in Masonry is based on Judaism, from satanic protocols, misogyny, terrorism up to the symbols they use. The symbol of zionism is the same as that of Masonry. It's funny when someone is ashamed of their own religion.
  18. M

    Question for followers of Judaism and Christianity?

    We see that G-d Almighty has given us two eyes, two ears and two hands. Meaning that as a prudent Planner God provided us with a backup system. Similarly, we see that God Almighty has promised holy land to the progeny of Abraham, so that if one fails the other leads the humanity and if that...
  19. L

    Islam has the most devoted followers out of all religions?

    If you notice, Islam has the best and most devoted followers. Not saying ALL Muslims follow their religion properly (lets not mention those terrorists, they clearly are sick in the head) but other than that most Muslims take their religion seriously in comparison to other religions. I know...
  20. T

    Muslims & followers of Islam, is there prophecy or visions/dreams in Quran or seen

    Muslims & followers of Islam, is there prophecy or visions/dreams in Quran or seen by Mohammed? I know the first revelation was the angel Gabriel besides that I'm not sure.