Is this a good Workout Routine?


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Here is what i've been doing for my workout routine. I workout 5-7 days a week on a 3 day cycle. Whenever my lifts are going down, I take a 2-3 day haitus. So far, there is little cardio at once a week.

Lifts are in order of what I do them in.
SS means Superset.
-Flat Bench 4x6
-Weighted Dips 3x10, wieght taken off after 10 then 5 more dips.
-Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8
-Tricep Pulldown 3x8
-Machine Flys 3x8
-Skull Crushers w/ press 3x8
-Declines 3x8
-SS Widegrip Pullups 3x8/Wide Pulldowns 3x12 last set dropset
-SS High Rows 3x8/Closegrip Pulldowns 3x12 last set dropset
-SS Bicep Curls 3x8/Preacher Curls 3x12
-Resistance Preacher Curls (with spotter) 3x8
-Squats 4x6
-Close Leg Press (quads) ?x4 (add plates until rep weight), then 3x6
-Leg Extension 3x8
-Hamstring Curls 3x8
-SS Shoulder Press 3x8/Widepress 3x12 (sucks!)
-SS Front/lat raise 3x8

The chest routine hit a plateau so here is what ive been doing for 2 weeks now:

-Flat Bench 4x6
-SS Incline Press 3x8/Machine Inclines 3x12
-SS Decline Press 3x8/Flys 3x8
-SS Closegrip Tricep Press 3x8/Tricep Pulldowns
-Wieghted Dips 3x8

Abs are done sparodically, usually twice a week.
Im probablly aroun 10-15% bf.

Can anyone tell me how good it is?
And any tips?

Oh and SS haters, I've gained 20lbs to bench, 50lbs to squat, and 15lbs to shoulder press in 4 weeks so don't tell me SS are bad ;).

Also, im looking at arimaTEST. Good product?