Does this sound like a good gym routine?


May 12, 2008
I'm starting to go to the gym and I've made up my own gym routine. (keep in mind my goal is to lose fat not get bulky)

- 20 minutes on the elliptical
- 40 crunches
- 20 bicep curls
- 20 tricep push downs
- 40 leg presses
- 20 minutes walking/jogging on the treadmill (with a high incline)

does this sound good and effective? I'll be on a low carb, high protein 1200 calorie diet as well.
Do the elliptical at the end of your work out so your not tired lifting weights. And you don't want to do all your muscles on one day. Do like biceps and back one day. Abs and legs another and than chest and triceps the next. Gives your other muscles to relax but also work on other muscles as they rest and restore. Other than that yes it seems like a very effective workout