Is the anti-Christ coming or is he already here ?


May 8, 2008
I was watching the History channel and they were doing a story on the guy that discovered OIL. It was discovered by one man in Kentucky on the last day before his financing was to run out, after that he would have given up looking for oil.
So I started to think, what would happen if OIL was never discovered ?
Well for one thing we would not have gasoline or diesel fuel and that means we would have no cars or planes or tanks etc....
Then I thought, how would that effect History, and I came up with some frightening answers.
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because the USA cut off OIL supplies from Indonesia to Japan, so if there was no such thing as OIL we not have cut off supply of OIL to Japan and there fore Japan would have no reason to attack us and we would not of been in World War 2. In fact there would not have been a World War 2 because Germany would not of had the strength that it had, because they would not have Tanks or Planes etc... to over power it neighbors the way they did. They would be limited to ground fighting and that take forever, and does not involved the hole World. In fact we would probably not have a World War 1 or at least not to the extent that it was because gasoline that comes from OIL played a part in the ability of countries being able to wage war. For example, without food and supplies troops can't fight a war and if there were no supply truck that run on gasoline then you can't get supplies to the troops. therefore the fighting would be limited at best,and the duration of a war would not last as long or involve the rest of the world.
Buy understanding that OIL is the one thing that makes War work on a large scale, I came to the conclusion that if OIL had not been discovered there would be no large Wars and millions of people would not of had to die or counties suffer the wide scale destruction that War brings.
Also if OIL was not discovered we would all be driving electric cars by now and not have to worry about Global Warming.

So, back to my Question is the anti-Christ coming or is he or it already here, and the name of the anti-Christ is called OIL OIL OIL OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
If you can do algebra and you break down the Key components of the molecular structure of OIL you will come up with the numbers 6-6-6 , scary but true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also OIL is black and smells bad, like something the DEVIL would cough up. THINK ABOUT IT !!!
In responds to Dawn A.
OIL is catalyst to all that is evil. It has had more impact on the world as far as death and destruction than any other thing. You can't destroy the world with steam locomotives or some guy knocking two flint rock together.

We could not have nuclear weapons and thus a cool war, which cost the US billions of dollars that could have been better spent building this country and educating and feeding its people if it were not for oil.
The list goes on and on.............................!

One day there will not be any more OIL and you will see how much better everything gets.
well, the anti christ must fit all 8 points/criteria to identified:

1)the red Dragon of Rev. 12 gives the beast her authority, power and location (church recv'd in 476 AD)
2)the beast rules for 42 months (1260 Literal Years) 1 day = 1 yr. in prophecy
3) she has power all over the world (sure does)
4) the beast receives a deadly wound(French Revolution 1798, they kidnapped the pope and claimed atheism, which stripped them of their religious and political power)
5) the deadly wound is healed (Italy gives back to the church the Vatican as a separate nation
6) the beast speaks Great Blaspheme against God( very apparent when they took authority away from God on so many levels)
7)the beast is a pursecuting power (Inquisition, reformation etc)
8) the number of the beast is 666 (in all ancient languages their alphabets have numerical value i.e. Greek, Hebrew etc, if you add up the letter of the "title" on the papal tiara worn by these popes, it equals 666....

from the converts cathechism pg. 50: Q: which day is the Sabbath day? A: Saturday is the Sabbath day. Q: why do we observe Sun day? A: because the church changed the day from Saturday to Sunday.

there was NEVER a command from Jesus to do so.

Of course, the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act. And that act is our "mark" of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters. James Cardinal Gibbons

Sunday is our "mark" of authority...the church is above the Bible, and the transferrence of the Sabbath day observance is proof of that fact. Catholic Record, Ontario, London, Sept. 1, 1923

May 31, 1998 John Paul II issued an Apostalic Letter named Dies Domini "The Lords Day"
section 67 (yeah it's long) says: Christians will "naturally strive to ensure the civil legislation respects their duty to keep sunday - holy."
His hand is at the doorknob, and he's about ready to make his entrance. Obama doesn't qualify for the anti-christ. If he was/is the anti-christ, then I better start looking up in the sky for Jesus Christ the son of GOD.