
  1. T

    Christians: if you were pregnant with the anti-Christ, would you have it aborted?

    I don't believe in super villians...but lets just say that this were to happen. And don't dodge the question with: "oh well that wouldn't happen to me because I am so utterly Christian". No I want a straight answer.
  2. E

    Fellow Muslims:How is Anti-Christ (almasih addajjal)?

    Christians share what you have too just for fun, I think you believe in Anti-Christ as well. I meant anti christ the bad guy not Jesus alaihi assalam...
  3. J

    How do I know if I am the anti-Christ?

    Im not some gothic kid, who's life is horrible. I was raised christian. Had an amazing child hood with great parents. Anyway I've always felt it would be so much better to be the anti Christ then it would be a servant of god. What are the signs of the anti christ? I know im not it, in just...
  4. N

    Is Jimmy Carter the Anti-Christ?

    Why or why not? After all the Bible does say that the Anti-Christ well become the Anti-Christ in his second term, or didn't you know that? Ashnod, A Christian can be just as phony as anyone else! Besides Christianity is Babylon the Mother of Whores in Rev. 17 & 18 and is brainwash..
  5. D

    Do Muslims have an anti-Christ?
  6. M

    was Nero the anti-christ?

    did Nero reign for 1,260 years? destroy 3 nations after rome fell? come back to life after a mortal wound? preach another 'jesus' to all? build a church and state power? become a mother church? change God's laws? create a global 10 nation empire? refuse his followers to marry? Revelation 1:1...
  7. M

    How will the Antichrist be destroyed by Christ?

    Christ wins, get the hint.
  8. P

    do christians teach the messiah that jewish are awaiting is the anti-christ?

    and the true messiah is only jesus christ?
  9. P

    Do you believe in the coming appearance of an anti-Christ World leader?

    If so, this belief will cause you to mistake Jesus for him! So, you are likely to join those fighting against him at his return ... When Jesus appears ... "I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against...
  10. Why do people believe the Anti-Christ's (Martin Luther) lies?

    How can someone follow his idea that the commandments are not needed, you can sin your butt off, pray forgiveness, then do it all over again? I can see why there is moral decadence in schools and society. No wonder why ex-Atheists are all Protestants. Here is the proof...
  11. R

    Does anybody have an Idea of who the modern Anti-Christ is?

    Why do you believe this?
  12. N

    Please do not answer with anti-Christ answers. Do secular Christians

    still go to heaven? I go to a public high school. Im about to join the Navy. And I do and have done worldly things that i know i can stop like drinking and stuff but i really dont want to. I know i should give anything distancing myself from God over to him but Im having a hard time with it and...
  13. Z

    Be honest, are you sincerely afraid of the anti-Christ!?

    Gazoo... drugs are bad
  14. J

    Whats wrong with my question about the Anti-Christ?

    The angel Gabriel told me the name of the Anti-Christ and so therefore i am just passing on Gods message and there is nothing wrong with that! All i said was that the Anti-Christ is already hear and that his initials are J. C. Do you think that my message and/or question should be deleted?
  15. J

    Can you figure out which one is the Anti-Christ?

    The angel Gabriel already told me who he is! Gabriel also told me that he is going to change his name and divorce his wife! So if any of you are as smart as you think you are(especially you fundies who think that you know it all) then answer the question!! This is why i was able figure out...
  16. M

    What a Joke, Captilism is the anti-Christ?

    its sad how people think you have to go to college, just to prove you are worthy of a job. Corporations think they are the owners of the Earth. Christians, you know you work for the Beast-right..? ___ God never wanted anyone to have to work hard for basic food, shelter, power and clothing...
  17. C

    is the anti-christ a prophecy?

    is it inevitable?facts please.
  18. DrDeanCrosby

    RAPTURE ALERT: Church Support For An Anti-Christ

    NOW ITS FINALLY HAPPENING! For years students of the Bible have been predicting the coming to power of the Anti-Christ in an effort to rescue the world from economic calamity. Calamity actually is an understated word for debt crisis that the United States and Europe are now experiencing...
  19. R

    What’s in an anagram are atheists the anti-Christ?

    You better hope it’s just a coincidence! I don't know I'm agnostic I don't know = (Not now kid :) God = Dog, (man’s best friend) Christian love not hate = ethical innovators theist = tithes An Atheist = I, the Satan An Atheist of anti-Christ = I, the anti-Christ of Satan An Atheist anti-Christ...
  20. T

    Is Herman Cain the Anti-Christ?

    His 999 Plan just keeps on making me think that it's the 666 plan and God is testing us, giving us clues that we must prevent him from winning the Republican Nomination. What do you all think?