I want to believe in Jesus Christ and God, but I'm confused?


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Here's a chat log I have with one of the Christianity website:

Welcome to Mormon.org chat.
A missionary will be with you shortly.
Agent [Kelsey] is ready to assist you.
Kelsey: hi! this is kelsey and megan from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. How are you doing today?
Me: good and you?
Kelsey: fine
Me: so the holy bible is free, right? What about shipping cost?
Kelsey: i don't know about that.
Agent [Megan] has joined the chat.
Me: but the website says it's free?
Kelsey: go ahead. order the bible
Me: If I have a faith in God, I will be healed of any disease, right?
Kelsey: sure
Me: I have no religion, but I want to believe in God, is God's name Jehovah and his son is Jesus Christ? I saw a lot of different types of Christianity and it varies.
Megan: Yes.
Me: so how should I begin in starting to understand the religion?
Megan: Well here is some of our basic beliefs: We believe in God our eternal father and in his son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that they are three separate beings. We also believe in a modern day prophet
Me: so what's the difference between Mormonism and Christianity? Are they different religions?
Megan: We are Christian, we believe in Christ. But we are modern day prophet led.
Me: so all other are fake religions, such as Islam, Buddhism
Me: only Christianity is real?
Megan: Ya, they have pieces of the true church.
Me: so the Pope is the head of Christianity?
Megan: No, he is catholic.
Me: So Catholic and Christianity are two different religions?
Kelsey: not sure
Me: So is it like each religion has its own concept of Jesus Christ?
Kelsey: yes. but we have the fullness of the gospel on the earth
Me: so you're like a nun or priest? I'm very confused about religions
Megan: We have no nuns or priests in our church.
Me: what kind of church do you guys open? What's the name?
Kelsey: what?
Me: like catholic church, or rome church, something like that?
Me: is it mormon church?
Me: in Islam they call their church Mosque
Kelsey: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Me: so is it Christianity or something different? And the first man and woman is Adam and Eve, right? And Noah's Ark and the flooding. You guys have these events or not? or something different?
Kelsey: yes. we definitely believe in the bible
Me: and the catholic believe in the bible too right? same story of Adam and Eve?
Kelsey: yes
Me: then why are you different from them? Why isn't there one single Christianity religion? Because you said the Pope is Catholic and not your type of Christianity?
Kelsey: we have a prophet leading our church! he holds the same priesthood authority moses or noah held.
Agent [Megan] has left the chat.
The chat session has ended.

And as I was typing a question they close the chat. Now, why are there so many types of Christianity? Which should I choose?
They're confused too, or they wouldn't be so unsure. It seems like they ended the chat because they couldn't answer your questions.

If you want someone to help you learn how to believe in Jesus: https://watch002.securesites.net/e/contact/submit.htm

If you want a Bible, you can start reading now: http://watchtower.org/e/bible/index.htm
All denominations of Christianity have their roots in catholicism. In 1054 the Catholic church separated into two sects: Eastern Orthodox Catholicism and Roman/Latin Rite Catholicism.

In 1517, a catholic priest named Martin Luther attempted to lead a reform of the catholic church. His attempt to do so began a reform movement know as the Protestant Reformation. From the Protestant Reformation many sects of Christianity including the Anglican, Lutheran, Anabaptist, and Episcopal churches resulted.

All religions that believe in the mysteries of Jesus Christ are technically Christian. However Mormonism is extremely sketchy considering its followers believe in a 19th century "prophet". It has been widely speculated that the doctrines of Mormonism were made up by Joseph Smith while he was under the influence of intoxicating substances.
TRhere isn't any one true religion. Each one beleives theirs is the right one. But as for your questions. One does not need a religion to beleive in Jesus or God. It is up to the person, to decide. YOu can be part of any church. but that don't mean it is the right one. One does not have to go to church to beleive. It comes from within. You must search yourself for the answer. Everyone will tell you what you want to hear. Not what you should.
In my opinion, I think modern day prophets are your average Bible study teacher.
If you want to know God, read the bible and see what you believe in.
There is only one type of Christianity and thats to live as Jesus taught us to live,what you are seeing is religion where a group of people believe partly of God's word and then add there own twist so to speak you must understand there are 3 sets of laws in our world the First is the most important God's laws,the second is man made law's and lastly is the church made laws.This is agroup of people who base there church on the Bible but falsely interrpret scriptures to mean what they think they mean not what God's word truly says.Example the ;Rapture Theory No where in the Hebrew or Greek or in the Bible does the word rapture appear,however there are church's who teach the rapture.This is just one example.Christianity is not a religion it is a reality the way we live our live's as Chrsit taught us to live.Jesus said ; Many will come in my name and they will be false prophet's he wasnt talking about tthe regular joe he was talking about preacher's God bless
The missionaries on mormon.org know a lot about their faith, but it doesn't seem like those particular girls knew a lot about other kinds of Christianity. They are not religious experts, just there to answer questions about their church. Catholics are Christian, but what the missionaries were trying to tell you was that one of the differences between their church and other Christian churches is that they are led by a modern day prophet. You can find out more about the beliefs of Mormons by reading more of their website. There are plenty of things they could have told you, maybe they closed the chat because they thought you were trying to debate with them? Pray about which religion you should follow and read the Bible and they would tell you to read the Book of Mormon and see if it is true through prayer. That is how you find out for yourself, through honest, sincere prayer to find truth. I hope you find the answers you are looking for. ?
The first phrase of your question shows that you are confused beyond hope.
I am not a Christian but I am a big fan of Lord Jesus.
If you want to follow his path just ask Him, never mind the religions. It's like if you want a decent tune you ask the organ grinder, not the monkey!
Good luck and may the love be with you.
I am Catholic. Catholic is a little stricter then regular Christianity. Most Christianity types say that you have to believe in Jesus. To be Catholic, you have to believe in Jesus AND follow a whole set of rules or the seven sacraments (holy moment). Also, Catholics believe in our spiritual leader, who is basically the head of the Catholic Church. This is known as the Pope. We think of him as a descendant the Apostle Saint Peter. We take the Bible more literally instead of different interpretations (which is fine too, though)
Holy Orders
Anointing of the Sick

(seven sacraments)
If you feel more liberal, a Unity (NOT UNITARIAN) Church is also very good. It is a very flow-y type of Christianity.

Basically, if you want to start a little looser and are still getting into it, you might consider a Unity Church to see if you like it. If you want to step it up a notch, I would go to a Catholic or Episcopalian Church.
The Bible is the basis for Christian religions. Each church interprets the Bible differently.
Talk to God from your heart. Ask him to forgive your sins ask him to give you faith and ask him to be your personal savior. Jesus loves you even when we don't believe but he wants us to believe so ask him to help you.
seek the Lord for yourself.He will show you the right path to take.no one comes to the father except by me Jesus said.
I can tell you right now you dont need a religion to believe in god.
All you really need to know is there is a god and in the end he will win for sure.
Meditate and let go of you thoughts and you will be enlightened and you will look at the world a whole new way.


Another thing i wanna say is dont let anyone change what you believe if you really strongly believe in something dont change your self for anyone unless you think its he right thing for you.
Always remember everything happens for a reason.
Hey these guys sound like real jerks, you should try going to some churches around you, and ask the pastors there. I am Baptist, and feel free to email me if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. :) My email isn't displayed but you can click on the link on my profile. :) I'm sorry your so confused, and I hope you find the truth!