New member
Feb 17, 2013
Q: What’s Al Qaida’s favorite football team?
A: The New York Jets
Q: What was the last thing going through Mr. Jones’ head when he was working on the World Trade Center’s 90th floor?
A: The 91st floor.
Q: What’s the last thing that went through the minds of the 9/11 jumpers?
A: Their ankles.
Q: What color were Mohammed Atta’s eyes?
A: Blue. One blue this way, the other blue that way!
Q: Who are the fastest readers in the world?
A: New Yorkers. Some of them go through 110 stories in 5 seconds
Q: Why do tourists flock to New York?
A: It’s a blast
Today FBI concluded that New York had been hit by a U.F.M (unidentified flying muslim)
Q: What did one terrorist say to the other terrorist before boarding their respective airplanes?
A: I slam, you slam, we all slam for Islam!
NEWSFLASH…. The WTC has been destroyed…. thousands of New York executives feared dead…. Hookers all across the city are in mourning…..
Q: Why didn’t Superman stop the planes from hitting the Trade Towers?
A: Because he’s a quadriplegic!
Q: What should have tipped off the ticket sellers?
A: When the terrorists asked if there was anything cheaper than one-way.
Q: What was the quickest escape time from the World Trade Center?
A: Ten seconds flat.

I need some more jokes because I have a americans friend who loves america and i want to tell him some funny jokes that he mght get
I'm sorry but I find this post pretty offensive. Not funny at all.
Even though ten years seems enough time to some people... It's not to others.
You were not in New York on September 11, 2001. I can tell.
If you was in new york, you'll get punched in the face, I'm from Brooklyn, new york. And I don't play like that 9/11 is serious. Please groww up :)
thise jokes are horrible, people died in 9/11 doofus, its like making fun of the holocaust
I had to copy and paste these jokes to wordpad as I know this question is probably going to get deleted. Terrible but funny, come on sick jokes ALWAYS crop up after a bad event. When I was a kid, the ones going around about the space shuttle blowing up were awful but also awfully funny.