I keep getting spam email from christian mingle. It makes me wonder is there...

I don't know, but that would suit you better. I'm perplexed as to why I get spam for erectile dysfunction.
Ahhh, life's mysteries.
That is funny. Christian Mingle is one I don't get spam from. I have had some luck blocking spam by going to their site and demand to be taken off their email list.

OK, after I sent this I saw MS's answers. That is both funny ha ha and funny strange.
From what I understand from an article I read (which makes it true, [not]), there are a lot of people on that site who are not Christians. If you are agnostic, you might fit right in.
laughing here. I know exactly what you mean. That is so disgusting. And I hate the ads, join and find 'G__s' match for you. I think that's so stupid, even sacreligious.
I don't know how to get rid of it, hope you can.
And GWB made it clear how pious his image was to get elected ... then proceeded to make bad decisions that reflect buckets of blood on his hands.
I don't trust people that are inclined to promote how holy they are ... that makes it a vehicle for deception.
If someone asks me ... I'm spiritual ... that's the whole story. Religion puts limitations on my faith.
That's funny. I was getting it sometimes too. I marked it as spam, and now it automatically goes into my spam folder which I empty at least once a day.
That's cute

maybe so, you know somehow people are making money off sites like these. I imagine yours would attract many people. Who knows, by this time next year you could be rich!
Yes there is.

Agnostic Singles
