I have been diagnosed with a blood clot in my lung. Treatment includes Lovenox and...


New member
Jun 5, 2008
...Coumadin.? I am now off of the Lovenox (thank God...painful shots in the abdomen) but my Dr. can't seem to get my Coumadin level right. With Lovenox two times daily and taking 6 mg of Coumadin, my INR was 2.3 which is normal. Then my Dr. discontinued Lovenox and raised my Coumadin to 10 mg twice daily which caused my INR to raise to 6.7. Now I'm off of Coumadin for 3 days, then on 9 mg a day for 3 days then another INR test at the end of the week. I'm getting confused and wondering if I should get another Dr. opinion. My Dr. has told me that this clot will never go away, it originated in my lung possibly from Premarin which I've been on for 12 years after hysterectomy. I'm also wondering if this could be something besides a blood clot in my lung. Could I possibly have cancer?