i get fired from minimum wage job because i argued with customer. how is it my fault?


May 20, 2008
i was working at fast drive through window. i was supposed to be cashier and i was also supposed to hand the order to customer through window. some woman (who was very fat) ordered french fries and triple cheeseburger with lots of mayo on it. i handed her the order and gave her change. She then argued that she received very little fries and its not fair. So i told the kitchen worker that he gave very little fries. He said he loaded it with fries. i talk to manager and manager told me that i should tell the woman if she want more fries she has to pay more. The woman then started arguing with me a lot and told me she would complain about me and bla bla bla. I got irritated and yelled at her saying, "YOU STUPID DUMB FAT AS YOU WILL GET HEART ATTACK VERY SOON. WATCH YOUR BODY WHERE ITS GOIN". After that manager fired me from job. Is this fair?
as if it was a great job. good riddance to the low pay job
and yes she will get heart attack soon. i know it very well. she was like 320 lbs at 5 feet. her chest was reaching the steering wheel. customer my as
she was using credit card for $4. she'd file chapter 7 after defaulting on credit card bill. she is not fit to work with such size. the car she was driving was like 1990 pontiac, $300 car
she has poor life and men probably reject her a lot. That's why she was taking her own personal life frustrations on me. my luck so bad