i drive a 2003 dodge stratus 4 cld and was running just fine till suddenly...


New member
Dec 6, 2011
...stopped without notice!? my mechanic told me the timing belt broke and also the pistons has twist the valve, well he assumed that it is damaged! whithout checking it! i call another mechanic and he told me that this kind of cars rarely twist the vaulve and i dont know really please! can you tell me if is true, because this other mechanic told me if he tried just by puting back the timing belt and if is start! he told me everything will be fine and thats mean the valves never has twist. and the first mechanic just want to ripp me off in order to get advantage of! please can you tell me what really is?
First mechanic could be correct, but he will not know for sure until he puts the new belt on and tests it. Bent valves are common when the belt breaks.