i dont know what to do! i realized my novel is less then 55,000 words can ut


Jun 10, 2008
still be published!? people say dont bother cuz agents wont publish something under 80,000 words. they wont even read my query letter if its not long enough am i wrong or right about this information?
That's not a novel -- it's a novella. Some agents will agree to take you on if you're trying to publish a novella, but it's pretty rare. I'd suggest spending some time editing and polishing your work; the more time you spend on it, the more you'll write on it. Brainstorm some more ideas that you could incorporate into the story, and go from there. No-one's first draft is perfect... You just have to iron out the kinks.
When you pitch in your idea, they will interested in the plot twists, characters, the chapters (roughly) and the structure. So the word count will not be involved in the first stage. They would ask you for a blurb, synopsis, and 2 or 3 chapters if they are interested. And don't worry, if you get an initial yes, you will need to require so much revision (even the best writers do!) that you will eventually be adding the word count.

Do not discuss a lot with non-professionals instead surf for agent blogs, they are more informative, like Writer's Digest has a few good agent names, there one lady called rachelle gardner, google for her.

PS: There are novels, classics, that are shorter than standard 5 act plays. Call it a novella just to feel confident.