I crave nicotine and want it to stop?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
Haven't smoked in 2 weeks cause of an illness but i have strong cravings for nicotine, any advice??
Remember that you already have a great start on quitting for good. The nicotine is out of your system in 72 hours. The cravings you have now are based on associations you have with smoking. Just breathe and the craving will pass. It seems like they last a long time when it is happening, but check the clock and you will see it is really just a few minutes.
You could try a nicotine alternative to cigarettes like patches, gum, or what I've been using which I love is an e-cig. I have the Blu brand, they are only $50 for a starter kit at walgreens which is cheaper than on their website. Really helps with those cravings for me.