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    Pregnant Kim Kardashian Wishes She Could Crave French Fries Like You Mere Mortals

    Pregnant Kim Kardashian would like you all to know she does not feel the same cravings as the rest of us normal people, but instead only wants veggie platters. She's just, y'know, throwing that out there...(cough) tabloids (cough). More » Pregnant Kim Kardashian Wishes She Could Crave French...
  2. Z

    I crave nicotine and want it to stop?

    Haven't smoked in 2 weeks cause of an illness but i have strong cravings for nicotine, any advice??
  3. J

    Is it normal to crave everyday food?

    I get unbearable cravings for toast and cereal everyday. And when I eat toast or cereal it doesnt stop the cravings. Is this normal?
  4. C

    Why do Christians crave alcohol?

    Why do Christians crave alcohol? They like so much to drink until total drunkenness. Because they know their sins are automatically forgiven by their weird God. So they get drunk to commit sins and fornication. I have never met one pastor or priest with natural face skin color. Due to their...
  5. C

    What's with these weird cravings? I never crave food?

    I've been craving alot of random foods for the past week and a half, stuff I would never eat. Stuff like chocolate, burgers, and McDonald's fries. But especially burgers, which is something I don't like at all. This can't be PMS because I don't crave anything before my period. What else could...
  6. A

    Do crave nicotine more when you drink?

    How do you deal with it (without smoking)?
  7. L

    I had 5 smokes today and it was my first time! will i crave one now?

    I had 5 smokes today very strong ones and got really light headed. My friend said it took him only 6 or so smokes to get addicted! He only told me after I smoked all them. I am so angry I just wanted to smack him! Now what I really don't want to smoke like a normal person. Just wanted to try you...
  8. C

    Why do I sometimes crave cigarettes in my dreams?

    I've never smoked. And nobody in my family smokes. I like the smell of cigarettes, just not the smell it leaves. But why, in some of my dreams, am I smoking a cigarette or having major cravings to want to smoke? Is this something in my subconcious? What do you think?
  9. L

    Why would a man crave genital abuse? And is this trend increasing?

    I'm sincerely curious and concerned about the increasing popularity in the ball busting fetish over the past 10 years. I have been in and around the bdsm community for a while and only in the past 5 years or so have dominatrixes been advertising ball busting as a "service" offered. Im not...
  10. B

    why do i crave cigarettes if i don't smoke?

    im 16 years old, almost 17 and i admit it, i have smoked before almost a year ago but it was like a whole pack in one night [stupidity]. my mom smoked while she was pregnant with me and around me until i was about 10 and now i have asthma... but when i came to live with my dad when i was...
  11. T

    Janet Powers chats with Jennifer Saphier about CRAVE Boston - Feb 11,2010

    Jennifer Saphier graduated from Northeastern University with a degree in marketing and entrepreneurship and a lot of motivation. She started Saphier Events six months later and has been supremely happy as an entrepreneur every day since. Saphier Events produces events that run the gamut from...
  12. S

    What do you usually Crave for ?

    What do you usually crave to eat ? i usually crave Cheesecake ;] lol
  13. Y

    im a 14 year old girl and i crave gossip?

    like i dont know whats wrong with me but its like im addicted to gossip and i always have to tell people other peoples secrets i know it sounds really horrible and that you think i must be a real bad friend but i just cant help it , anything i could do to maybe fix this?
  14. Y

    I'm addicted to eating ice cubes in any form, I crave them; What is wrong with me?

    When I say I'm addicted to ice cubes, I MEAN it! I crave the flavor of the ice even though I know it doesn't make sense. It's just water! It doesn't really have a flavor to other people supposedly, but I crave the flavor and feel and crunch of the ice every single day!! I know the general...
  15. D

    GUYS why do women crave chocolate when on their period yet complain of

    getting fat/bloating? I dont understand? Why?!