Howcome some people argue against feminists by criticizing their personal...


New member
Aug 22, 2010
...gender roles? When a woman is a feminist, they tell her to act more 'feminine'
When a man is a feminist, they tell him to act more 'masculine'

Are they themselves saying that males are meant to be above females and only 'feminists' are bad, or do they see it as a two way and would say the same about male/female misogynists as well.

I can't stop thinking about this hypocrit concept that some people say and they have no right to bud into someone's personal lives and sexual orientation just because of a political stance.
Male feminists can be called feminine but female feminists shouldn't also be called masculine because 1st of all it is ironic ( you can't have it both ways)

Second of all, Think about this, if a feminist is called 'masculine', than she is not a feminist because she would be on the side of men.
I have no problem with people against feminism but they should not hypocritically insult feminists' gender roles like this.
Wet pants has the definition that some anti feminists use to standardise men and women.
Men should be mach-acho.
Women should be sugar and spice and everything nice.

Were you been?
This is an easy to answer:

Standing NAKED in front of a long mirror: Take a LONG look at your body shape. Is it a pear shape / hour glass shape? Is it have 2 lumps & a hole? And what are all of these attribute for?

Remember Arthur Schopenhauer statement?

And look at the next Man you see next. Have a comparison before you shoot your mouth off about "Gender is a social construct."
I think your observation is absolutely true. People do often tell me to act more 'masculine.'

When pressed, it usually turns out that what they mean by "act more masculine" is: use smaller words, use cruder language, be quick to mock and insult other people, and be more supportive of violence against anyone who isn't a white Christian man.

Apparently, the word "masculine" has been co-opted to mean "idiotic redneck." That's a shame.